[rfc][icedtea-web] Refactor of LiveConnect Tests

Jie Kang jkang at redhat.com
Mon Jun 2 15:20:24 UTC 2014


This patch refactors the majority of LiveConnect Tests (JS to Java and vice-versa) fixing the race condition between asynchronous JS and the J-applet. Code format is standardized and deprecated code usage is removed/replaced. Note that the file JSTest.js is duplicated for all LiveConnect Tests. This is because every single test requires the same function in JSTest.js to prevent the race condition from occurring. However, the test suite is not designed to easily have this code appear only once while also having tests be properly separate (ie. every single test-case should be able to run by itself without relying on another test case). If anyone has any suggestions on how to better implement this please say.


Jie Kang
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