[rfc][icedtea-web] Refactor of LiveConnect Tests

Omair Majid omajid at redhat.com
Mon Jun 2 15:44:28 UTC 2014

* Jie Kang <jkang at redhat.com> [2014-06-02 11:22]:
> Note that the file JSTest.js is duplicated for all LiveConnect Tests.
> This is because every single test requires the same function in
> JSTest.js to prevent the race condition from occurring.  However, the
> test suite is not designed to easily have this code appear only once
> while also having tests be properly separate (ie.  every single
> test-case should be able to run by itself without relying on another
> test case). If anyone has any suggestions on how to better implement
> this please say.

My suggestion is to fix the test suite. Introduce a location for a
common test resources shared across reproducers and put the duplicated
file there. Also, introduce some way a reproducer can refer to shared
files. This way, only those reproducers that need the shared will make
use of them.


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