[rfc][icedtea-web] PluginMessage test time zone

Lukasz Dracz ldracz at redhat.com
Wed Jun 4 18:55:44 UTC 2014

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrew Azores" <aazores at redhat.com>
> To: "Lukasz Dracz" <ldracz at redhat.com>
> Cc: "Omair Majid" <omajid at redhat.com>, distro-pkg-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 2:43:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [rfc][icedtea-web] PluginMessage test time zone
> It's surprising to me that this works with TEST_TIME being only given a value
> in the @BeforeClass, but used already to define the s1/s2/s3 fields as well.
> It does appear to work fine but at first glance this to me is not obvious at
> all that it is correct. I would be more comfortable with it if the fields
> s1/s2/s3 were defined as fields but not given their values in the
> @BeforeClass as well, after TEST_TIME has already been set. Then it is much
> more obvious IMO that the fields have the correct values that they should.
> Otherwise, looks good. One other thing would be to make s1/s2/s3 private.
> Alternatively, instead of @BeforeClass, you can probably use a static
> initializer instead. This would also allow s1/s2/s3 to be made static final,
> aka actual constants.
> Thanks,
> Andrew A


I have taken your suggestion and applied it.
The patch is attached.

Lukasz Dracz

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