[rfc][icedtea-web][policyeditor] Reduced usage of weak references

Andrew Azores aazores at redhat.com
Wed Jun 11 13:47:22 UTC 2014

On 06/02/2014 10:27 AM, Andrew Azores wrote:
> Hi,
> This patch reduces the usage of weak references in PolicyEditor and 
> CustomPolicyViewer. There is still one use of a weak reference left, 
> used when closing PolicyEditor and answering 'Yes' to saving changes 
> first. In this case, the "Changes Saved" dialog appears after the 
> editor has been closed and disposed, but the dialog holds a reference 
> to it. This results in the JVM not exiting after PolicyEditor is 
> closed. Using the weak reference in the way it's still used here 
> allows for the JVM to properly exit once the editor is closed, while 
> still allowing the dialog to be modal when it is shown in situations 
> where the editor is not already closed.
> ChangeLog:
> * netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/security/policyeditor/CustomPolicyViewer.java
> (weakThis): removed
> * netx/net/sourceforge/jnlp/security/policyeditor/PolicyEditor.java
> (weakThis): used only in showChangesSavedDialog, other uses changed to 
> PolicyEditor.this
> Thanks,



Andrew A

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