[rfc][icedtea-web][policyeditor] Keyboard shortcuts and mnemonics touchup

Andrew Azores aazores at redhat.com
Thu Jun 26 19:16:19 UTC 2014


This patch enhances PolicyEditor's accessibility quite a lot. Changes 

1) Pressing "Enter" while a Group Checkbox has focus will expand the 
group (pressing space still selects the entire group at once)
2) Every menu item now has an accelerator shortcut and they all actually 
work properly
3) Accelerator shortcuts are more sane/intuitive
4) Defining shortcut keys in Messages.properties is simpler (! This one 
requires help from translators to fix the key bindings. It's also not 
entirely ideal because the modifier masks are not configurable via 
Messages.properties right now either - anyone have ideas on how to do 
that more neatly than having the Messages actually specify eg "C-S" or 
"C-S-S" for Ctrl-S/Ctrl-Shift-S per shortcut, for example? This wouldn't 
really be so bad though, I guess, especially since these strings would 
be defined solely by the person writing the translations, and never 
input by users)

Coming up later will be accelerators/mnemonics for CustomPolicyViewer.


Andrew A

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