[rfc][icedtea-web][policyeditor] Keyboard shortcuts and mnemonics touchup

Andrew Azores aazores at redhat.com
Fri Jun 27 17:15:33 UTC 2014

On 06/27/2014 12:15 PM, Jacob Wisor wrote:
> On 06/27/2014 03:43 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
>> On 06/27/2014 07:30 AM, Jacob Wisor wrote:
>>> On 06/26/2014 09:16 PM, Andrew Azores wrote:
>> […]
>>>> 4) Defining shortcut keys in Messages.properties is simpler (! This 
>>>> one requires
>>>> help from translators to fix the key bindings. It's also not 
>>>> entirely ideal
>>>> because the modifier masks are not configurable via 
>>>> Messages.properties right
>>>> now either - anyone have ideas on how to do that more neatly than 
>>>> having the
>>>> Messages actually specify eg "C-S" or "C-S-S" for 
>>>> Ctrl-S/Ctrl-Shift-S per
>>>> shortcut, for example? This wouldn't really be so bad though, I guess,
>>>> especially since these strings would be defined solely by the 
>>>> person writing the
>>>> translations, and never input by users)
>>> Have a look at javax.swing.KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(java.lang.String). 
>>> The
>>> Strings that this method takes could easily be stored in a 
>>> properties file,
>>> the format is relatively well defined, and it should also work for 
>>> non-English
>>> alphabets. It is actually the exact same String that 
>>> KeyStroke.toString()
>>> produces on a KeyStroke instance.
>> Ah wow, I hadn't actually paid attention to that particular method.
> Because you're hasting instead of programming. What you do could be 
> considered by many people — yes, including me — as dirty hacking 
> instead of coding.

Gee, thanks for being a constructive member of this community.

>> That's pretty much exactly what I was hoping to find.
> Yes, it is particularly useful for accelerators, and not for mnemonics.
>>>> Coming up later will be accelerators/mnemonics for CustomPolicyViewer.
>>> Yeah, please do not confuse accelerators and mnemonics. Also, please 
>>> keep the
>>> terminology apart.
>> How do you figure I've confused them here?
> Because you seem to have no idea what the particular purpose of 
> accelerators and mnemonics is. I was trying to explain it further 
> down, but obviously I have failed.

You are wrong. I do know. You're just being extremely picky about it. I 
have freely admitted many times on this mailing list that I have hardly 
done any GUI work at all before, and I never pretended like these 
patches were flawless. They are what I can put forth with the knowledge 
I have at the time. I am always willing and eager to learn more, but I 
do not like to learn from people when their comments are terse, harsh, 
and low on suggestions on how to actual do things better.

>>> > +# Menu navigation (Alt-mask)
>>> This should rather say "mnemonics" than "Alt-mask"
>>> > +PEFileMenuMnemonic=F
>>> > +PEEditMenuMnemonic=E
>>> > +PEViewMenuMnemonic=V
>>> > +
>>> > +# Key shortcuts (Ctrl-mask)
>>> This should say "accelerators" than "Ctrl-mask".
>>> > +PEAddCodebaseMnemonic=N
>>> > +PERemoveCodebaseMnemonic=R
>>> > +PEOpenMenuItemMnemonic=O
>>> > +PESaveMenuItemMnemonic=S
>>> > +PEExitMenuItemMnemonic=Q
>>> > +PECustomPermissionsItemMnemonic=U
>>> > +PECopyCodebaseItemMnemonic=C
>>> > +PEPasteCodebaseItemMnemonic=V
>>> > +PECopyCodebaseToClipboardItemMnemonic=B
>>> > +
>>> > +# Key shortcuts (Ctrl-Shift-mask)
>>> These are accelerators too.
>> The reason I've distinguished between Alt, Ctrl, and Ctrl-Shift here 
>> is so that
>> multiple keys mapping to the same value here are not mistaken for 
>> actually being
>> the same key binding. Although using getKeyStroke as above will make 
>> that quite
>> obvious anyway, so then those comments can certainly be removed.
> If you understood the distinct concepts between accelerators and 
> mnemonics my previous comment would have been clear.

I never said your comment wasn't clear.

>> […]
>>> > […]
>>> > @@ -935,14 +847,11 @@ public class PolicyEditor extends JPanel
>>> >       * @param mnemonic the mnemonic to set
>>> >       */
>>> >      private static void setComponentMnemonic(final AbstractButton
>>> component, > final String mnemonic) {
>>> > -        final int trig;
>>> > -        try {
>>> > -            trig = Integer.parseInt(mnemonic);
>>> > -        } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
>>> > -            OutputController.getLogger().log(nfe);
>>> > +        if (mnemonic.length() != 1 || 
>>> !mnemonic.matches("[a-zA-Z]")) {
>>> It is probably not a good idea to work with regular expressions 
>>> here. For one,
>>> this expression does not cover alphabets besides English. For two, 
>>> if you
>>> really want to use a regular expression in this case it should be a 
>>> final
>>> static compiled pattern instead of a String.
>> Hmm... fair enough.
>>> >              return;
>>> >          }
>>> > -        component.setMnemonic(trig);
>>> > +        final char ch = (char) mnemonic.getBytes()[0];
>>> > +        component.setMnemonic((int) ch);
>>> >      }
>>> >
>>> >      private static JMenuBar createMenuBar(final Window window, final
>>> > PolicyEditor editor) {
>>> > @@ -965,7 +874,7 @@ public class PolicyEditor extends JPanel
>>> >
>>> >          final JMenuItem saveAsItem = new 
>>> JMenuItem(R("PESaveAsMenuItem"));
>>> >          setComponentMnemonic(saveAsItem, 
>>> R("PESaveAsMenuItemMnemonic"));
>>> > - 
>>> saveAsItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(saveAsItem.getMnemonic(),
>>> > ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
>>> > + 
>>> saveAsItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(saveAsItem.getMnemonic(),
>>> > ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK | ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK));
>>> This is NOT correct! Do not do this. Accelerators != mnemonics. 
>>> Although
>>> accelerators' keys and mnemonics seem be equal in most cases in 
>>> English, this
>>> is definitely not the case for many other languages, and in few 
>>> cases not even
>>> in English. So, do not do this. Accelerators and mnemonics are two 
>>> distinct
>>> concepts, so please do not mix them.
>> I know they are two distinct things. What do you have in particular 
>> against
>> setting the same character as the mnemonic and accelerator for an 
>> action? What
>> do you propose as an alternative - would you prefer to have separate 
>> keys for
>> each in Messages.properties?
> Again, if you weren't just hasting and have read my comment carefully 
> you would perhaps understand that you cannot lump these concepts 
> together. So, obviously I have to spell it out for you or spoon feed 
> it to you.
> Accelerators are an extension or evolution of function keys 
> (F1..F12...). They are supposed to directly invoke a specific 
> *function* by pressing a combination of keys. Furthermore, they are 
> global in scope, except for dialogs.
> Mnemonics are for *navigating* UI elements where usually keyboard 
> navigation is the only input device or for people who cannot use a 
> pointing device. Although the UI can be built to be fully tab key 
> navigable, mnemonics have an advantage over tab keys which offers 
> immediate navigation to a specific UI element. Lastly, mnemonics are 
> _not_ supposed to invoke program functions directly, as opposed to 
> accelerators, because they are local in scope.
> Furthermore, accelerators should be language agnostic where as 
> mnemonics should not. Example: ALT+F4 is a standard accelerator on 
> Windows for closing the current window or application. This 
> accelerator is labeled as "Close" in English with a "C" mnemonic but 
> is labeled "Schließen" in German with a "S" mnemonic. This approach 
> also allows to use the same accelerators with different languages; 
> which is what users want when roaming between different languages but 
> using the same application.
> Another example are languages which use ideographic script systems. 
> Just think about it, there is no key combination for Ctrl+の!
> This is basic UI design and building knowledge that should be taught 
> during the first semester in college. Well, actually in any major 
> programming language course. What do you learn at school???

Glad to see you're being mature here and not resorting to ad hominem.

>>> > saveAsItem.addActionListener(editor.saveAsButtonAction);
>>> >          fileMenu.add(saveAsItem);
>>> > @@ -973,31 +882,47 @@ public class PolicyEditor extends JPanel
>>> >          setComponentMnemonic(exitItem, R("PEExitMenuItemMnemonic"));
>>> > 
>>> exitItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(exitItem.getMnemonic(),
>>> > ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
>>> > exitItem.addActionListener(editor.closeButtonAction);
>>> > -        exitItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
>>> > -            @Override
>>> > -            public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) {
>>> > -                window.dispose();
>>> > -            }
>>> > -        });
>>> >          fileMenu.add(exitItem);
>>> >          menuBar.add(fileMenu);
>>> >
>>> >          final JMenu editMenu = new JMenu(R("PEEditMenu"));
>>> >          setComponentMnemonic(editMenu, R("PEEditMenuMnemonic"));
>>> >
>>> > +        final JMenuItem addNewCodebaseItem = new
>>> > JMenuItem(R("PEAddCodebase"));
>>> > +        setComponentMnemonic(addNewCodebaseItem, 
>>> R("PEAddCodebaseMnemonic"));
>>> > +
>>> > 
>>> addNewCodebaseItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(addNewCodebaseItem
>>> > .getMnemonic(), ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
>>> Again, do not do this! Accelerator != mnemonic.
>>> > + 
>>> addNewCodebaseItem.addActionListener(editor.addCodebaseButtonAction);
>>> > +        editMenu.add(addNewCodebaseItem);
>>> > +
>>> > +        final JMenuItem removeCodebaseItem = new
>>> > JMenuItem(R("PERemoveCodebase"));
>>> > +        setComponentMnemonic(removeCodebaseItem,
>>> > R("PERemoveCodebaseMnemonic"));
>>> > +
>>> > 
>>> removeCodebaseItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(removeCodebaseItem
>>> > .getMnemonic(), ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
>>> Again, do not do this! Accelerator != mnemonic.
>>> > +
>>> > 
>>> removeCodebaseItem.addActionListener(editor.removeCodebaseButtonAction); 
>>> > +        editMenu.add(removeCodebaseItem);
>>> > +
>>> > +        editMenu.addSeparator();
>>> > +
>>> >          final JMenuItem renameCodebaseItem = new
>>> > JMenuItem(R("PERenameCodebaseItem"));
>>> > +        setComponentMnemonic(renameCodebaseItem,
>>> > R("PERenameCodebaseItemMnemonic"));
>>> > +
>>> > 
>>> renameCodebaseItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(renameCodebaseItem
>>> > .getMnemonic(), ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK | ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK));
>>> Again, do not do this! Accelerator != mnemonic.
>>> > 
>>> renameCodebaseItem.addActionListener(editor.renameCodebaseButtonAction); 
>>> >          editMenu.add(renameCodebaseItem);
>>> >
>>> >          final JMenuItem copyCodebaseItem = new
>>> > JMenuItem(R("PECopyCodebaseItem"));
>>> > +        setComponentMnemonic(copyCodebaseItem,
>>> > R("PECopyCodebaseItemMnemonic"));
>>> > +
>>> > 
>>> copyCodebaseItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(copyCodebaseItem
>>> > .getMnemonic(), ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
>>> Again, do not do this! Accelerator != mnemonic.
>>> > copyCodebaseItem.addActionListener(editor.copyCodebaseButtonAction);
>>> >          editMenu.add(copyCodebaseItem);
>>> >
>>> >          final JMenuItem pasteCodebaseItem = new
>>> > JMenuItem(R("PEPasteCodebaseItem"));
>>> > +        setComponentMnemonic(pasteCodebaseItem,
>>> > R("PEPasteCodebaseItemMnemonic"));
>>> > +
>>> > 
>>> pasteCodebaseItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(pasteCodebaseItem
>>> > .getMnemonic(), ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
>>> Again, do not do this! Accelerator != mnemonic.
>>> > 
>>> pasteCodebaseItem.addActionListener(editor.pasteCodebaseButtonAction);
>>> >          editMenu.add(pasteCodebaseItem);
>>> >
>>> >          final JMenuItem copyCodebaseToClipboardItem = new
>>> > JMenuItem(R("PECopyCodebaseToClipboardItem"));
>>> > + setComponentMnemonic(copyCodebaseToClipboardItem,
>>> > R("PECopyCodebaseToClipboardItemMnemonic"));
>>> > +
>>> > copyCodebaseToClipboardItem.setAccelerator(KeyStroke
>>> > .getKeyStroke(copyCodebaseToClipboardItem.getMnemonic(),
>>> > ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
>>> Again, do not do this! Accelerator != mnemonic.
>> Please do not do this non-helpful comment repetition. If you are so 
>> averse to it
>> then please provide an actual alternative suggestion rather than just 
>> saying
>> "No, this sucks, never do it ever" for half the length of your mail.
> It does suck when people do not think... :-/
> Jacob

Please stop reviewing my patches if you aren't going to be useful or at 
least not derogatory.

Andrew A

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