/hg/icedtea-web: Fixed cache tests: CacheReproducerTest changed ...

Jie Kang jkang at redhat.com
Tue May 27 14:28:28 UTC 2014


----- Original Message -----
> Hi!
> https://webmail.redhat.com/service/home/~/?auth=co&loc=en_GB&id=1415&part=2
> This may be worthy to backport to 1.5 May some intern elaborate?

I also think that this should be backported to 1.5 since the test was incorrect. Clearing cache should of course mean cache is empty and not disappeared. It agrees with backport conditions (stability/bug fixes, no new features). I have cloned the 1.5 repo and diffed the patch, it is attached.

> Also there may be more stupid failures like this. Again may some of our
> newbies elaborate?

I will run integration tests and go over them all to make sure everything makes sense.

> [send from phone]
> J.


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URL: <http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/distro-pkg-dev/attachments/20140527/5e168fb0/CacheReproducer-backport.patch>

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