[rfc][icedtea-web] rconsider offline and xoffline

Jiri Vanek jvanek at redhat.com
Mon Feb 9 11:34:52 UTC 2015

Currently the offline environment of ITW is not perfect

Applets in browser works even when network is off -its good.

Also all jnlp apps works offline, unless allow-offline is missing. Same is for -html switch, becasue 
pluginbridge by defualt do not specified it. If -Xoffline is specified, then this check is not done, 
and all -html applets an javaws apps without offline-allowed  works.

I would like to remove all possible checks of it.

Most direct approach is attached. But maybe better one to remove all usages of isOfflineAllowed may 
be better (but then the comment is lost)


Some following patch should be soemtunning of the cache. It is clearing itself somehow suspiciously 
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Name: removeOfflineAlowed.patch
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