[rfc] added preprocessing to rust launchers

Alex Kashchenko akashche at redhat.com
Wed Dec 6 18:46:15 UTC 2017

On 12/06/2017 02:50 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
> Hello!
> Thanx for feedback. I had week long personal battle whether to have it 
> preprocessed with some solid defaults, or to use config file. It ehnded 
> 51:49 for preprocess. No it is 99:1 for config file:)
> What location do you suggest?

The same directory, where launcher binary is, will be the most 
convenient. So it can be read with: executable_directory() + 

> On 12/06/2017 01:12 PM, Alex Kashchenko wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 12/05/2017 04:11 PM, Jiri Vanek wrote:
>>> This patch is adding the possiblity to pas classapth and simialr to 
>>> the rust luncher.
>>> If there is enybody knowing the better way, and especially how to get 
>>> rid of this duplicated (triplicated x triplicated) snipept of
>>> +    MAIN_CLASS=net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.Boot ;\
>>> +    BIN_LOCATION=$(bindir)/$(javaws).sh ;\
>>> +    PROGRAM_NAME=$(javaws) ;\
>>> +    $(edit_launcher_script) < $< > $@
>>> And turn it into function of call(name, suffix)  < $< > $@, that 
>>> would be awesome. I tried many times, various ways, but if I get rid 
>>> of those three lines, I always duplicated  targets:(
>> I can suggest not to pre-process .rs file, but to preprocess config 
>> file instead and read it on startup.


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