Truffle repository conversion

Raffaello Giulietti raffaello.giulietti at
Thu Jul 2 19:37:21 UTC 2015


on Win7 the build fails immediately, even on a freshly cloned repo
(changeset 1ff1575f1350)

error: package jdk.internal.jvmci.debug does not exist
import jdk.internal.jvmci.debug.*;

Shall I follow Andreas advice and "wait for the dust to settle" before
How long would that take: a couple of days, a couple of weeks?


On 2015-06-29 20:22, Andreas Woess wrote:
> Dear Truffle developers and users,
> we've recently moved Truffle to a separate repository as announced
> earlier. I'd like to give you a heads-up that we're going to:
> (a) rewrite the changeset history to prune unrelated files inherited
> from the previous repository and shrink the repository size
> (b) change the directory structure to mx2 layout, i.e., the 'truffle'
> directory will go away
> As a consequence, you will have to reclone the repository once the
> conversion is done; but more importantly, if you have unpushed changes
> or patches, please try to get them in within the next days while we wait
> for the dust to settle. If you need more time or help with the
> migration, let me know. If you're only using .jar files, you're not
> affected.
> - andreas

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