Truffle repository conversion

Jaroslav Tulach jaroslav.tulach at
Fri Jul 3 07:07:54 UTC 2015

On Thursday, July 02, 2015 09:37:21 PM Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
> How long would that take: a couple of days, a couple of weeks?

Yeah, that is something I'd like to know as well. I'd like to work on the 
javadoc generating infrastructure, but I don't want to interfere with Andreas 

> Shall I follow Andreas advice and "wait for the dust to settle" before
> retrying?

Well, I think Andreas message does not apply to your case...

> on Win7 the build fails immediately, even on a freshly cloned repo
> (changeset 1ff1575f1350)

There is no changeset 1ff1575f1350 in
> C:\dev\OpenJDK\graal\graal\graal\\src\com\or
> acle\graal\compiler\common\util\ error: package

There is even no in the Truffle repository. 
Andreas was talking about ...

> > we've recently moved Truffle to a separate repository as announced
> > earlier. 

...the new Truffle repository (e.g., you seem to be working in a Graal repository.

Thus I think your problem is not related to Andreas's work.

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