All Graal tests pass on AArch64

Doug Simon doug.simon at
Wed Dec 7 18:16:18 UTC 2016

Congrats Andrew!

It would be great to add come AArch64 CI testing. However, I’m not sure there’s anything available for this. All I’ve found so far is which may be a start.


> On 7 Dec 2016, at 18:59, Vladimir Kozlov <vladimir.kozlov at> wrote:
> Hurray! Congratulation!
> Looking forward to run AOT on aarch64 in jdk 10 ;)
> Regards,
> Vladimir
> On 12/7/16 9:52 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:
>> ... except the truffle ones, which I've excluded.
>> So I'm going to do a cleanup pass on the aarch64_graal_misc_fixes
>> branch, hopefully get that pulled into master, and then fix the
>> Truffle bugs.
>> Once that's done I'll look at code quality.  There are quite a few
>> examples of poor code generation.  It would be nice to get Graal
>> somewhere near C2, but that will require some serious work on
>> vectorization.
>> Andrew.

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