Checkstyle AvoidNestedBlocksCheck

Andrew Haley aph at
Thu Dec 8 14:54:13 UTC 2016

I'm having this rejected:

            Label loop = new Label();
            // Align the main loop
            masm.align( * 2);
            masm.ldr(64, temp, AArch64Address.createRegisterOffsetAddress(array1, length, false));
            masm.ldr(64, rscratch1, AArch64Address.createRegisterOffsetAddress(array2, length, false));
            masm.eor(64, rscratch1, temp, rscratch1);
            masm.cbnz(64, rscratch1, breakLabel);
            masm.add(64, length, length, VECTOR_SIZE);
            masm.cbnz(64, length, loop);

This seems to me like good coding style.  Declaring locally-used variables
in a block has always been good coding style.  Is it forbidden in Graal?


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