Licensing question

Christian Wimmer christian.wimmer at
Fri Sep 30 18:05:16 UTC 2016

Graal is just another compiler alongside the Java HotSpot server 
compiler that optimizes code at run time, so the license of Graal does 
not affect Truffle any more than the license of the Java HotSpot VM (GPL 
without Classpath exception) in general.


On 09/30/2016 09:49 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm aware that this might not be the ideal place to ask about licensing
> issues but I'm just looking for unbinding opinions, not legal advice.
> My understanding is that Graal is licensed under the "viral" GPL while
> Truffle is licensed under the less restrictive GPL with Classpath exception.
> What does this imply for a Truffle language implementation that makes
> use of Graal for performance, even if it does not link directly to the
> Graal API?
> Does it indirectly inherit the stricter GPL status or can it be
> distributed with any license as allowed by the GPL with Classpath exception?
> Greetings
> Raffaello

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