different outline window in IGV

Tom Rodriguez tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
Mon Aug 28 17:25:25 UTC 2017

Haluk Dogan wrote:
> It worked, thank you. Is there any way to get information about which
> optimizations techniques (e.g. method inlining, loop unrolling etc.)
> Graal applied to hot methods?

Not a good one.  The IGV has a slightly hacky feature that attempts to 
detect unchanged graphs but the current strategy is based on the graph 
encoding so it reports a spurious change for the graph after a real 
change.  To enable it select the D with the circle around it in the 
toolbar for the graph view window.  Now the forward and backward buttons 
will only move between changed graphs.  Duplicate graphs have the 
_isDuplicate property set on them when you inspect their properties from 
the outline view.


> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Tom Rodriguez
> <tom.rodriguez at oracle.com <mailto:tom.rodriguez at oracle.com>> wrote:
>     Use -Dgraal.Dump=:2.  We reduced the default verbosity of the graph
>     dumping to level 1 and using :2 sets it to 2 which gives you a dump
>     after every phase which was the old behaviour.
>     tom
>     Haluk Dogan wrote:
>         mx unittest -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler -Dgraal.Dump
>         -D:MethodFilter=String.hashCode GraalTutorial#testStringHashCode
> --
> HD

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