different outline window in IGV

Christian Wimmer christian.wimmer at oracle.com
Thu Aug 31 05:02:33 UTC 2017

The best (but of course reasonably complex) example for custom 
compilations is Truffle. When you look at code like the class 
TruffleCompiler, you see how a custom StructuredGraph is created (using 
the PartialEvaluator class), compiled using the standard Graal 
compilation pipeline (but with some custom providers like a more 
aggressive constant folding of field loads), and installed into the VM's 
code cache.

I think our version of JDK 8 is easier for experiments compared to Java 
9 because you don't run in any module issues, and it is also our main 
development platform. When you run "mx ideinit", you get all the IDE 
setup for Eclipse, NetBeans, or IntelliJ (including the correct setup of 
the projects to include the JVMCI classes).


On 8/29/2017 11:16 AM, Haluk Dogan wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any examples for custom compilation with Graal? I'm interested in
> this part "Applications can call Graal like a library to perform custom
> compilations" as shown in slide 82 of "2017_PLDI_GraalTutorial.pdf".
> However, I was not able to make any progress.
> I created an Intellij project and set 9ea14-zulu as my compiler. Then, I
> tried to run GraalTutorial, but had errors related to undefined modules. If
> I changed the compiler to "labsjdk1.8.0_141-jvmci-0.33", then I am getting
> errors for importing jdk.vm.ci.code.*
> Is there any guideline to set up a project, so that I can call Graal like a
> library?
> Thanks.
> Best,
> Haluk
> On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 12:52 PM, Christian Wimmer <
> christian.wimmer at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Haluk,
>> There is an updated version of the Graal tutorial from PLDI 2017 (linked
>> from [1]), where the command lines reflect the state from June 2017. But
>> things change quickly in the Graal world, so it is difficult to keep a
>> presentation up-to-date.
>> -Christian
>> [1] https://github.com/graalvm/graal/blob/master/docs/Publications.md
>> On 08/28/2017 09:00 AM, Haluk Dogan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm playing with Graal to get more understanding about the technology. I
>>> run the following command:
>>> mx unittest -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler -Dgraal.Dump
>>> -D:MethodFilter=String.hashCode GraalTutorial#testStringHashCode
>>> However, the screen I have for Outline window is different than the
>>> Christian Wimmer's "Graal Tutorial at CGO 2015". What parameters should I
>>> add to get the same window?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Best,
>>> Haluk

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