different outline window in IGV

Haluk Dogan hlk.dogan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 18:16:43 UTC 2017


Is there any examples for custom compilation with Graal? I'm interested in
this part "Applications can call Graal like a library to perform custom
compilations" as shown in slide 82 of "2017_PLDI_GraalTutorial.pdf".
However, I was not able to make any progress.

I created an Intellij project and set 9ea14-zulu as my compiler. Then, I
tried to run GraalTutorial, but had errors related to undefined modules. If
I changed the compiler to "labsjdk1.8.0_141-jvmci-0.33", then I am getting
errors for importing jdk.vm.ci.code.*

Is there any guideline to set up a project, so that I can call Graal like a



On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 12:52 PM, Christian Wimmer <
christian.wimmer at oracle.com> wrote:

> Hi Haluk,
> There is an updated version of the Graal tutorial from PLDI 2017 (linked
> from [1]), where the command lines reflect the state from June 2017. But
> things change quickly in the Graal world, so it is difficult to keep a
> presentation up-to-date.
> -Christian
> [1] https://github.com/graalvm/graal/blob/master/docs/Publications.md
> On 08/28/2017 09:00 AM, Haluk Dogan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm playing with Graal to get more understanding about the technology. I
>> run the following command:
>> mx unittest -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler -Dgraal.Dump
>> -D:MethodFilter=String.hashCode GraalTutorial#testStringHashCode
>> However, the screen I have for Outline window is different than the
>> Christian Wimmer's "Graal Tutorial at CGO 2015". What parameters should I
>> add to get the same window?
>> Thanks.
>> Best,
>> Haluk


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