Getting delegate of an EngineTruffleObject

Vlad Vergu v.vergu at
Wed Jun 7 06:33:34 UTC 2017

Hi guys,

I’m working on a (meta-)interpreter for a dynamic semantics specification language. The interpreter uses Truffle. I’m in the process of updating from Truffle 0.15 to present times. I got stuck at 0.23. The meta-interpreter had half-implemented support for foreign access which it doesn’t need and i don’t want to maintain it further until i get the chance to redo it properly.

The issue i’m having is that calls to PolyglotEngine.eval(…) return an EngineTruffleObject instances since 0.23. The EngineTruffleObject class is package private. How do i get the delegate object?

Thank you.

meta-issue: is this the right list for these questions?



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