How to initialize a TruffleLanguage was Getting delegate of an EngineTruffleObject

Vlad Vergu v.vergu at
Fri Jun 9 08:44:40 UTC 2017


I’m running into a different issue now, trying to update to Truffle 0.25.

When I create a RootNode in the implementation of TruffleLanguage#parse(ParsingRequest) an IllegalArgumentException is thrown with message ‘Truffle language instance is not initialized’. The language class has a @TruffleLanguage.Registration. What should i be doing to initialize the language? Thanks.

Best regards,

> On 8 Jun 2017, at 11:19, Vlad Vergu <v.vergu at> wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> That works, thank you!
> Best regards,
> Vlad
>> On 7 Jun 2017, at 10:47, Stefan Marr <java at> wrote:
>> Hi Vlad:
>>> On 7 Jun 2017, at 08:33, Vlad Vergu <v.vergu at> wrote:
>>> The issue i’m having is that calls to PolyglotEngine.eval(…) return an EngineTruffleObject instances since 0.23. The EngineTruffleObject class is package private. How do i get the delegate object?
>> I am using something like this:
>> Value result = engine.eval(…);
>> Obj o =;
>> or 
>> SObject o =;
>>> meta-issue: is this the right list for these questions?
>> Yes, beside this list, I think there’s only the gitter channel:
>> Best regards
>> Stefan
>> -- 
>> Stefan Marr
>> Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

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