Contributing to the tutorial was: Where is the Truffle Javadoc?

Jaroslav Tulach jaroslav.tulach at
Wed Mar 1 13:08:26 UTC 2017

On středa 1. března 2017 8:16:02 CET Jaroslav Tulach wrote:
> Hi.
> I'd like to announce that after a heroic teamwork we migrated the Truffle
> Javadoc to more appropriate location:
> In addition to that (and thanks to enormous work of mlvdv) the primary entry
> point to the Javadoc is a set of Truffle Tutorials. So far we focused
> mostly on the "embedding" one, but we hope you find all the tutorials
> useful.
> Should you have an idea how to improve them, please speak up or send a pull
> request. We'd like to become the ultimate
> source of information for all kinds of Java developers using Truffle APIs.

Hello again,
one of the questions that I have received is: Which repo should these PR be 
submitted to?

We are doing as much as we can to keep the documentation (e.g. the tutorial) 
as close to the code and classical Javadoc as possible. As such you can find 
the tutorial in the Truffle repository:

The module contains all the prose sections and it 
often uses {@codesnippet} to reference [real world code samples](https://
oracle/truffle/tutorial/embedding/ to make sure they 
[compile and run]( with our existing implementation.

Right now most of our samples deal only with JavaScript, but we'd like to 
expand it to Ruby and FastR - just we need some help from experts knowing 
those languages better than the Truffle team does.

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