Fwd: On applying for Author at the JDK Project

Philip Race philip.race at oracle.com
Fri Jun 3 15:37:51 UTC 2022

Hi Jesper,

Whilst what you wrote follows the source material 
I have some comments

That page says
This page is a summary and interpretation of theBylaws 
<https://openjdk.java.net/bylaws>. If there is a conflict between this 
page and the Bylaws then the Bylaws are considered authoritative.

The bylaws say

A Project Lead is a Committer to that Project who is responsible for 
directing and coordinating the Project’s activities. A Project’s Lead has:
The authority to appoint and remove Authors who are not also Committers;

So in the end it is the rules of the project as set by the Lead that 
matter, not what the generic project page says

I wouldn't expect to become an author in the Loom project by suggesting 
a few general code
clean ups and fixing spelling mistakes .. some projects will want to 
make sure everyone involved
is focused on the actual project goals.

And conversely Project Leads may invite authors who have relevant 
expertise regardless
of them not having (yet) made a contribution.
This is actually the most common route in (I think) most projects.

So I am suggesting a small caveat at the end along the lines of
"*The rules of a particular project may have different guide lines at 
the discretion of the Lead*".

PS https://openjdk.java.net/projects/#project-author could also use some 
reworking .. it
still bakes in that mercurial is what is used for sourc code control.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Re: On applying for Author at the JDK Project
Date: 	Fri, 3 Jun 2022 09:21:26 +0000
From: 	Jesper Wilhelmsson <jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com>
To: 	Jules W. <tanksherman27 at gmail.com>
CC: 	discuss at openjdk.java.net <discuss at openjdk.java.net>

Hi Julian,

After having read your mail I put a note on my todo-list to update the 
Developers' Guide to better clarify the details around becoming an 
author. That has finally been done and is now online: 

If you have the time to have a look I would very much like to know if 
this description is now sufficient to have answered your question.


On 27 Feb 2022, at 08:38, Jules W. 
<tanksherman27 at gmail.com<mailto:tanksherman27 at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi all,

Currently I'm thinking of applying for the Author position at the JDK
project, but the OpenJDK Project page 
(https://openjdk.java.net/projects/) is
somewhat vague about how to do so, simply saying to contact the project
lead after 2 pull requests have been merged without offering a proper
communication channel to do so. Additionally some of the information on the
site also seems to be outdated, and I'm unsure of whether this outdated
information also includes the section describing the Author application
process. Currently the census lists Mr. Reinhold as the project lead for
the JDK, is there an unmentioned formal communication channel I can use to
apply for Author or should I contact Mr. Reinhold directly as per the
page's instructions? (And if I should do the latter, do I contact him
directly through his Oracle email address?)

Thanks for your patience.

best regards,

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