On applying for Author at the JDK Project
Jesper Wilhelmsson
jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Fri Jun 3 21:59:29 UTC 2022
Thanks for the comment Phil! I have added a sentence along the lines of what you suggested in my local "misc" repo, so it will be included the next time I push.
> On 3 Jun 2022, at 17:37, Philip Race <philip.race at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Jesper,
> Whilst what you wrote follows the source material https://openjdk.java.net/projects/#project-author
> I have some comments
> That page says
> This page is a summary and interpretation of theBylaws <https://openjdk.java.net/bylaws>. If there is a conflict between this page and the Bylaws then the Bylaws are considered authoritative.
> The bylaws say
> https://openjdk.java.net/bylaws#_6
> A Project Lead is a Committer to that Project who is responsible for directing and coordinating the Project’s activities. A Project’s Lead has:
> The authority to appoint and remove Authors who are not also Committers;
> So in the end it is the rules of the project as set by the Lead that matter, not what the generic project page says
> I wouldn't expect to become an author in the Loom project by suggesting a few general code
> clean ups and fixing spelling mistakes .. some projects will want to make sure everyone involved
> is focused on the actual project goals.
> And conversely Project Leads may invite authors who have relevant expertise regardless
> of them not having (yet) made a contribution.
> This is actually the most common route in (I think) most projects.
> So I am suggesting a small caveat at the end along the lines of
> "*The rules of a particular project may have different guide lines at the discretion of the Lead*".
> PS https://openjdk.java.net/projects/#project-author could also use some reworking .. it
> still bakes in that mercurial is what is used for sourc code control.
> -phil.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Re: On applying for Author at the JDK Project
> Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2022 09:21:26 +0000
> From: Jesper Wilhelmsson <jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com>
> To: Jules W. <tanksherman27 at gmail.com>
> CC: discuss at openjdk.java.net <discuss at openjdk.java.net>
> Hi Julian,
> After having read your mail I put a note on my todo-list to update the Developers' Guide to better clarify the details around becoming an author. That has finally been done and is now online: https://openjdk.java.net/guide/#becoming-an-author
> If you have the time to have a look I would very much like to know if this description is now sufficient to have answered your question.
> Thanks,
> /Jesper
> On 27 Feb 2022, at 08:38, Jules W. <tanksherman27 at gmail.com<mailto:tanksherman27 at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently I'm thinking of applying for the Author position at the JDK
> project, but the OpenJDK Project page (https://openjdk.java.net/projects/) is
> somewhat vague about how to do so, simply saying to contact the project
> lead after 2 pull requests have been merged without offering a proper
> communication channel to do so. Additionally some of the information on the
> site also seems to be outdated, and I'm unsure of whether this outdated
> information also includes the section describing the Author application
> process. Currently the census lists Mr. Reinhold as the project lead for
> the JDK, is there an unmentioned formal communication channel I can use to
> apply for Author or should I contact Mr. Reinhold directly as per the
> page's instructions? (And if I should do the latter, do I contact him
> directly through his Oracle email address?)
> Thanks for your patience.
> best regards,
> Julian
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