I can help, sort of

Michael Crawford mdcrawford at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 12:22:22 PST 2009

Greetings,  I just subscribed.

I'd like to offer to help with the JDK porting work.  I don't have
time to do a whole lot, but what I'd like to do is to get enough of
the JRE working to run command-line Java programs.

The reason is that I want to enable publishing DocBook XML documents
on any of the platforms that the ZooLib C++ Cross-Platform Application
Framework supports, and lots of the tools for DocBook are written in
Java.  BeOS 5 Pro is, and Haiku soon will be supported by ZooLib:


The ZooLib Cookbook is a DocBook XML document:


There's not much to the Cookbook yet, as when I first tried to write
it in 2001 I found the available DocBook tools to be very painful to
install and use.  But they're all a lot better, and I'm a lot more
experienced as a coder now.  So I'll be resuming work on the Cookbook

I saw Andrew Bachman's post about translating the build tools from
Java to C++.  Perhaps I could help with that, as I'm quite experienced
with C++.  I sorta know Java too, but it's quite rusty.

Is it possible to build the JRE without any GUI support at all?  That
would avoid the need to port AWT to the BeOS application kit.  I'd
only want to do that for the purposes of running the DocBook tools.

Ever Faithful,

Michael David Crawford
mdcrawford at gmail dot com

   I'm looking for a job in Silicon Valley:

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