I can help, sort of

Andrew Bachmann andrewbachmann at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 05:09:54 PST 2009

Hi Mike,

I believe I've finished translating the MakeDeps tool to C++ such that is
suitable for building OpenJDK on any platform without the need for java.
However, I haven't had a chance to test it on Windows.  Also, I'm currently
in China so I don't have access to my sources.  You would be able to
download it from the haiku mercurial forest if such a forest existed.  When
I get back to the U.S. perhaps I can convince the netbsd folks or icedtea
folks to accept the code.  In any case, I can send a copy directly to you,
and perhaps I will just publish it independently on some website of


On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Michael Crawford <mdcrawford at gmail.com>wrote:

> Greetings,  I just subscribed.
> I'd like to offer to help with the JDK porting work.  I don't have
> time to do a whole lot, but what I'd like to do is to get enough of
> the JRE working to run command-line Java programs.
> The reason is that I want to enable publishing DocBook XML documents
> on any of the platforms that the ZooLib C++ Cross-Platform Application
> Framework supports, and lots of the tools for DocBook are written in
> Java.  BeOS 5 Pro is, and Haiku soon will be supported by ZooLib:
>   http://www.zoolib.org/
> The ZooLib Cookbook is a DocBook XML document:
>   http://www.zoolib.org/doc/cookbook/
> There's not much to the Cookbook yet, as when I first tried to write
> it in 2001 I found the available DocBook tools to be very painful to
> install and use.  But they're all a lot better, and I'm a lot more
> experienced as a coder now.  So I'll be resuming work on the Cookbook
> soon.
> I saw Andrew Bachman's post about translating the build tools from
> Java to C++.  Perhaps I could help with that, as I'm quite experienced
> with C++.  I sorta know Java too, but it's quite rusty.
> Is it possible to build the JRE without any GUI support at all?  That
> would avoid the need to port AWT to the BeOS application kit.  I'd
> only want to do that for the purposes of running the DocBook tools.
> Ever Faithful,
> Mike
> --
> Michael David Crawford
> mdcrawford at gmail dot com
>   I'm looking for a job in Silicon Valley:
>     http://www.goingware.com/resume/cover-letter.html
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