review request (URGENT): 7054590: (JSR-292) MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance() accepts private/protected nested interfaces

John Rose john.r.rose at
Tue Jun 14 19:35:27 PDT 2011

(This has been previously reviewed under the bug 7052202.  Here is a separate review for the record.)

7054590: (JSR-292) MethodHandleProxies.asInterfaceInstance() accepts private/protected nested interfaces
Summary: fix non-compliant logic in MethodHandleProxies, fix invalid private classes in MethodHandlesTest
Reviewed-by: twisti, never

This has been tested by new unit tests which are not included in this push.  The unit tests may be examined here: (near 'asInterfaceInstance')

Negative tests include:
 - non-interfaces Object, String
 - non-public-interface 'PrivateRunnable'
 - Interfaces without a unique method: CharSequence,
 - interfaces with a wrong-arity method: Runnable

Positive tests include:
 - typical interface Runnable
 - overloaded interface Appendable
 - unchecked exceptions passed unwrapped
 - checked declared exceptions passed unwrapped
 - checked undeclared exceptions passed wrapped

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