review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests

Vladimir Kozlov vladimir.kozlov at
Tue Jan 17 12:03:21 PST 2012

Why not just use "uint max_idx == (uint)ready_cnt.length()" since ready_cnt 
can't be changed? You don't need to pass it as argument then.


Roland Westrelin wrote:
> Block::schedule_local() creates new nodes and they need to be skipped so 
> that the VM doesn't write beyond the end of the ready_cnt array 
> (following 7077312). The current code has a test to prevent it:
> if (m->_idx > max_idx) {
> max_idx is set to matcher.C->unique() in Block::schedule_local() so it 
> may change with every block and it doesn't fully prevent a write beyond 
> the end of the array. Also the test should be a >= rather than a > 
> because max_idx is the size of the ready_cnt array.
> Also isn't it better to use an intArray rather than int[] array so that 
> similar issues are not missed in the future?
> Roland.

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