January 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jan 3 09:43:44 PST 2012
Ending: Tue Jan 31 12:04:04 PST 2012
Messages: 213
- SIMD auto-vectorization in hotspot
Vitaly Davidovich
- EscapeAnalysis diagnostics + user-guided stack allocation
Vitaly Davidovich
- SIMD auto-vectorization in hotspot
Vitaly Davidovich
- SIMD auto-vectorization in hotspot
Vitaly Davidovich
- SIMD auto-vectorization in hotspot
Vitaly Davidovich
- EscapeAnalysis diagnostics + user-guided stack allocation
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Vitaly Davidovich
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Vitaly Davidovich
- RFR, XS, 7120448, Fix FP values for compiled frames in frame::describe
Bertrand Delsart
- RFR, XS, 7120448, Fix FP values for compiled frames in frame::describe
Bertrand Delsart
- RFR, S, 7120450: complete information dumped by frame_describe
Bertrand Delsart
- RFR, S, 7120450: complete information dumped by frame_describe
Bertrand Delsart
- Request For Review, 7120468: SPARC/x86: use frame::describe to enhance trace_method_handle
Bertrand Delsart
- Request For Review, 7120468: SPARC/x86: use frame::describe to enhance trace_method_handle
Bertrand Delsart
- Request For Review, 7120468: SPARC/x86: use frame::describe to enhance trace_method_handle
Bertrand Delsart
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
David Holmes
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
David Holmes
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Karen Kinnear
- Request for reviews (L): 7125896: Eliminate nested locks
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (L): 7125896: Eliminate nested locks
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (L): 7125896: Eliminate nested locks
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7110824: ctw/jarfiles/GUI3rdParty_jar/ob_mask_DateField crashes VM
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (L): 7125896: Eliminate nested locks
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7110824: ctw/jarfiles/GUI3rdParty_jar/ob_mask_DateField crashes VM
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7110824: ctw/jarfiles/GUI3rdParty_jar/ob_mask_DateField crashes VM
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7110824: ctw/jarfiles/GUI3rdParty_jar/ob_mask_DateField crashes VM
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XS): 7119294: Two command line options cause JVM to crash.
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7128352: assert(obj_node == obj) failed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7128352: assert(obj_node == obj) failed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7128352: assert(obj_node == obj) failed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7064302: JDK7 build 147 crashed after testing my java 6-compiled web app
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7064302: JDK7 build 147 crashed after testing my java 6-compiled web app
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7129618: assert(obj_node->eqv_uncast(obj),"");
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7129618: assert(obj_node->eqv_uncast(obj),"");
Vladimir Kozlov
- SIMD auto-vectorization in hotspot
Vladimir Kozlov
- RFR, XS, 7120448, Fix FP values for compiled frames in frame::describe
Vladimir Kozlov
- SIMD auto-vectorization in hotspot
Vladimir Kozlov
- EscapeAnalysis diagnostics + user-guided stack allocation
Vladimir Kozlov
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Vladimir Kozlov
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Vladimir Kozlov
- review for 7130676: Tiered: assert(bci == 0 || 0<= bci && bci<code_size()) during stack trace construction
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7131302: connode.cpp:205 Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7131302: connode.cpp:205 Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
Vladimir Kozlov
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7131302: connode.cpp:205 Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XS): 7131028: Switch statement takes wrong path
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XXS): 7132945: Tiered: adjust OSR threshold of level 3
Vladimir Kozlov
- review request (XS): 7123910 Some CTW tests crash VM: is_loaded() && that->is_loaded()
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7132936: guarantee(t != NULL) failed: must be con
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7132936: guarantee(t != NULL) failed: must be con
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(S): 7131259: compile_method and CompilationPolicy::event shouldn't be declared TRAPS
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7140924: SIGSEGV in compiled code for sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer.updateMinSizeHints
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7140924: SIGSEGV in compiled code for sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer.updateMinSizeHints
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for reviews (S): 7140924: SIGSEGV in compiled code for sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer.updateMinSizeHints
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XXS): 7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
Vladimir Kozlov
- review(XXS): 7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
Vladimir Kozlov
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Dean Long
- SIMD auto-vectorization in hotspot
Krystal Mok
- Crash in C2 with 7u2b13
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Crash in C2 with 7u2b13
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Crash in C2 with 7u2b13
Charles Oliver Nutter
- Request for reviews (L): 7125896: Eliminate nested locks
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (L): 7125896: Eliminate nested locks
Tom Rodriguez
- Crash in C2 with 7u2b13
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (L): 7125896: Eliminate nested locks
Tom Rodriguez
- Crash in C2 with 7u2b13
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7110824: ctw/jarfiles/GUI3rdParty_jar/ob_mask_DateField crashes VM
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7110824: ctw/jarfiles/GUI3rdParty_jar/ob_mask_DateField crashes VM
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7110824: ctw/jarfiles/GUI3rdParty_jar/ob_mask_DateField crashes VM
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7128352: assert(obj_node == obj) failed
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7128352: assert(obj_node == obj) failed
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7064302: JDK7 build 147 crashed after testing my java 6-compiled web app
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR, XS, 7120448, Fix FP values for compiled frames in frame::describe
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7130676: Tiered: assert(bci == 0 || 0<= bci && bci<code_size()) during stack trace construction
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XS): 7131028: Switch statement takes wrong path
Tom Rodriguez
- RFR, S, 7120450: complete information dumped by frame_describe
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XXS): 7132945: Tiered: adjust OSR threshold of level 3
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7132936: guarantee(t != NULL) failed: must be con
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (XS): 7123910 Some CTW tests crash VM: is_loaded() && that->is_loaded()
Tom Rodriguez
- Request For Review, 7120468: SPARC/x86: use frame::describe to enhance trace_method_handle
Tom Rodriguez
- review(S): 7131259: compile_method and CompilationPolicy::event shouldn't be declared TRAPS
Tom Rodriguez
- review(S): 7131259: compile_method and CompilationPolicy::event shouldn't be declared TRAPS
Tom Rodriguez
- review for 7129164: JNI Get/ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical doesn't scale
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for review (XS): 7132180: JSR 292: C1 JVM crash with ClassValue/MethodHandle
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (S): 7090976 Eclipse/CDT causes a JVM crash while indexing C++ code
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (S): 7140924: SIGSEGV in compiled code for sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer.updateMinSizeHints
Tom Rodriguez
- review(XXS): 7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
Tom Rodriguez
- review request (S): 7090976 Eclipse/CDT causes a JVM crash while indexing C++ code
Tom Rodriguez
- Request for reviews (M): 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
John Rose
- Request for reviews (S): 7129618: assert(obj_node->eqv_uncast(obj),"");
John Rose
- review request (M): 7111138: delete the obsolete flag -XX:+UseRicochetFrames
John Rose
- Request for reviews (S): 7131302: connode.cpp:205 Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
John Rose
- Request for reviews (S): 7131302: connode.cpp:205 Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
John Rose
- review request (M): 7111138: delete the obsolete flag -XX:+UseRicochetFrames
John Rose
- review(XXS): 7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
Bengt Rutisson
- Crash in C2 with 7u2b13
Christian Thalinger
- Crash in C2 with 7u2b13
Christian Thalinger
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Christian Thalinger
- review request (M): 7111138: delete the obsolete flag -XX:+UseRicochetFrames
Christian Thalinger
- RFR, S, 7120450: complete information dumped by frame_describe
Christian Thalinger
- Request For Review, 7120468: SPARC/x86: use frame::describe to enhance trace_method_handle
Christian Thalinger
- Request for review (XS): 7132180: JSR 292: C1 JVM crash with ClassValue/MethodHandle
Christian Thalinger
- Request for review (XS): 7132180: JSR 292: C1 JVM crash with ClassValue/MethodHandle
Christian Thalinger
- review(XS): 7119294: Two command line options cause JVM to crash.
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7119294: Two command line options cause JVM to crash.
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Igor Veresov
- review for 7130676: Tiered: assert(bci == 0 || 0<= bci && bci<code_size()) during stack trace construction
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7131028: Switch statement takes wrong path
Igor Veresov
- review(XS): 7131028: Switch statement takes wrong path
Igor Veresov
- review(XXS): 7132945: Tiered: adjust OSR threshold of level 3
Igor Veresov
- review(XXS): 7132945: Tiered: adjust OSR threshold of level 3
Igor Veresov
- review(XXS): 7132945: Tiered: adjust OSR threshold of level 3
Igor Veresov
- review(S): 7131259: compile_method and CompilationPolicy::event shouldn't be declared TRAPS
Igor Veresov
- review(S): 7131259: compile_method and CompilationPolicy::event shouldn't be declared TRAPS
Igor Veresov
- review(S): 7131259: compile_method and CompilationPolicy::event shouldn't be declared TRAPS
Igor Veresov
- review for 7129164: JNI Get/ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical doesn't scale
Igor Veresov
- Request for reviews (S): 7140924: SIGSEGV in compiled code for sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer.updateMinSizeHints
Igor Veresov
- review(XXS): 7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
Igor Veresov
- review(XXS): 7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
Igor Veresov
- review(XXS): 7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
Igor Veresov
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7116050 C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
Roland Westrelin
- review request (XS): 7123910 Some CTW tests crash VM: is_loaded() && that->is_loaded()
Roland Westrelin
- review request (XS): 7123910 Some CTW tests crash VM: is_loaded() && that->is_loaded()
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7090976 Eclipse/CDT causes a JVM crash while indexing C++ code
Roland Westrelin
- review request (S): 7090976 Eclipse/CDT causes a JVM crash while indexing C++ code
Roland Westrelin
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Jiangli Zhou
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Jiangli Zhou
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Jiangli Zhou
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Jiangli Zhou
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Jiangli Zhou
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Jiangli Zhou
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Jiangli Zhou
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Jiangli Zhou
- Request for review: 7132690 InstanceKlass:_reference_type should be u1 type
Jiangli Zhou
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7120448: Fix FP values for compiled frames in frame::describe
bertrand.delsart at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7120450: complete information dumped by frame_describe
bertrand.delsart at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7120468: SPARC/x86: use frame::describe to enhance trace_method_handle
bertrand.delsart at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7132180: JSR 292: C1 JVM crash with ClassValue/MethodHandle
christian.thalinger at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7119294: Two command line options cause JVM to crash
igor.veresov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7131288: COMPILE SKIPPED: deopt handler overflow (retry at different tier)
igor.veresov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7131028: Switch statement takes wrong path
igor.veresov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7132945: Tiered: adjust OSR threshold of level 3
igor.veresov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7131259: compile_method and CompilationPolicy::event shouldn't be declared TRAPS
igor.veresov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
igor.veresov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: 12 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset 5a5eaf6374bc
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset 51d8b6cb18c0
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset f052abb8f374
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset 2b2818e3386f
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 9 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: Added tag jdk8-b20 for changeset ffd294128a48
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: 2 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: 2 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: 2 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: 4 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 20 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: 8 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp: Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 60d6f64a86b1
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/corba: Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 5218eb256658
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxp: Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 95102fd33418
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jaxws: Added tag jdk8-b23 for changeset 25ce7a000487
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 43 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/langtools: 8 new changesets
john.coomes at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 6 new changesets
john.r.rose at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/jdk: 3 new changesets
john.r.rose at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
john.r.rose at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 23 new changesets
john.r.rose at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 5 new changesets
john.r.rose at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7116050: C2/ARM: memory stomping error with DivideMcTests
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7123910: Some CTW tests crash VM: is_loaded() && that->is_loaded()
roland.westrelin at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7130676: Tiered: assert(bci == 0 || 0<= bci && bci<code_size()) during stack trace construction
tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7129164: JNI Get/ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical doesn't scale
tom.rodriguez at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 26 new changesets
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7110824: ctw/jarfiles/GUI3rdParty_jar/ob_mask_DateField crashes VM
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7125896: Eliminate nested locks
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7128352: assert(obj_node == obj) failed
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7064302: JDK7 build 147 crashed after testing my java 6-compiled web app
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7128355: assert(!nocreate) failed: Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7129618: assert(obj_node->eqv_uncast(obj),"");
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7131302: connode.cpp:205 Error: ShouldNotReachHere()
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 2 new changesets
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
- hg: hsx/hotspot-comp/hotspot: 7140924: SIGSEGV in compiled code for sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer.updateMinSizeHints
vladimir.kozlov at oracle.com
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 12:04:04 PST 2012
Archived on: Tue Jan 31 12:04:18 PST 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).