RFR(S): 8005079: fix LogCompilation for incremental inlining

Christian Thalinger christian.thalinger at oracle.com
Thu Mar 20 16:48:51 UTC 2014

One thing I forgot to mention last time is you should use the Java naming convention for fields, methods and variables:

+     private long inline_id;
+     public long getInline_id() {
!             CallSite late_inline_site = compile.getLateInlineCall();

should be:

+     private long inlineId;
+     public long getInlineId() {
!             CallSite lateInlineSite = compile.getLateInlineCall();

Please also change this one:


      private Stack<CallSite> late_inline_scope;

while you are already there.

+                 late_inlining =false;

Space missing.


+     public boolean isSame(Method other) {

You should override equals instead.


+     log()->head("late_inline method='%d'  inline_id='%lld'", log()->identify(cg->method()),

Missed %lld.

On Mar 20, 2014, at 6:59 AM, Roland Westrelin <roland.westrelin at oracle.com> wrote:

> Thanks for reviewing this Vladimir.
>> Can you always call some Compile's methods for logging which will check log() != NULL? I think it is not nice to have such checks in all places where we do logging. For example in callGenerator.cpp. You already have some such methods.
> Ok.
>> Does SymbolTable::lookup() recognize this klass name format?
>> I am asking because replay tool (ciReplay.cpp) use lookup() to find klasses.  It would be nice if we can use the same format in replay (ciMethod::dump_name_as_ascii()) but it depends on SymbolTable::lookup().
> It doesn’t look like it but I don’t know for sure.
>> In compile.cpp CompileLog* log is not used.
> Ok.
> Here is a new webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~roland/8005079/webrev.01/
> Roland.
>> Thanks,
>> Vladimir
>> On 3/18/14 11:56 AM, Roland Westrelin wrote:
>>> This fixes the LogCompilation tool when incremental inlining happens. It required some extra data in the log file. I also changed the way the class names are reported in the log output so it uses the same as PrintInlining. It’s especially useful for lambda form:
>>> java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH/1282811396
>>> rather than
>>> java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$MH
>>> (which makes it hard to know what LF this is)
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~roland/8005079/webrev.00/
>>> Roland.

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