RFR(T/S): 8236975 "compiler/graalunit tests fails with --illegal-access=deny"

Ekaterina Pavlova ekaterina.pavlova at oracle.com
Thu Mar 26 16:23:13 UTC 2020

On 3/26/20 1:11 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 25/03/2020 22:04, Ekaterina Pavlova wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please review the changes which allow to specify additional VM flags to be used to run particular Graal unit tests.
>> The fix makes Graal unit tests which previously failed with --illegal-access=deny to pass now.
>>       JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8206113
>>    webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~epavlova//8236975/webrev.00/index.html
>>   testing: run graalunit tests with and without "--illegal-access=deny" flag in mach5
> The jtreg way to do this is `@modules java.base/java.lang:+open` and it would run the test with --add-open java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED. 
> Is the reason for the approach in the webrev because the options aren't passed through to the VM run using the Graal compiler?  

Yes, this is the case.
Graal unit tests are launched by GraalUnitTestLauncher using main/othervm mode.
So specifying `@modules java.base/java.lang:+open` will not be passed into the VM launched by GraalUnitTestLauncher.

> They look okay of course and if you want to avoid using :SPACE then you can use '=' as an alternative (JEP 293 has more on this).

I looked at java help and did not see it there, but yes I see it is mentioned in the JEP 293
"Tools that show command-line help for a long-form option that takes an argument should normally show the option using a space to separate the argument, and provide a note at the end that = may also be used as a separator."

Thanks for pointing into this, I have removed using :SPACE: and regenerated the webrew.

Thanks for the review Alan.


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