RFR: 8320725: C2: Add "requires_strict_order" flag for floating-point add-reduction [v10]

Bhavana Kilambi bkilambi at openjdk.org
Thu May 30 08:19:13 UTC 2024

On Fri, 24 May 2024 08:45:03 GMT, Emanuel Peter <epeter at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/vectorapi/TestVectorAddMulReduction.java line 42:
>>> 40:  * @bug 8320725
>>> 41:  * @library /test/lib /
>>> 42:  * @requires os.arch == "aarch64"
>> I think there is no reason to only run the test on aarch64. We can run the test anywhere, but the applyIf specifies on what platforms the IR rules are executed.
> So you can use the `asimd` or `avx...` features for that.

Yes, thanks. I will add the `applyIf...` rules instead. I added this line as I thought it would be easier to extend it to other platforms like x86 by including x86 in this line `@requires os.arch == "aarch64" | os.arch == "x86_64"` so that the @IR rules need not be changed or new ones need to be added but I guess your suggestion is better as the test can still be run on x86 (and not apply the IR rules instead).


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/18034#discussion_r1620223066

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