RFR: 8343685: C2 SuperWord: refactor VPointer with MemPointer [v6]

Emanuel Peter epeter at openjdk.org
Wed Jan 15 15:00:11 UTC 2025

On Wed, 15 Jan 2025 11:58:49 GMT, Christian Hagedorn <chagedorn at openjdk.org> wrote:

>> Emanuel Peter has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>>   More fixes for vnkozlov
> src/hotspot/share/opto/vectorization.hpp line 732:
>> 730:   const jint  _iv_scale;
>> 731: 
>> 732:   const bool _is_valid;
> Can you add a comment here what it means when a `VPointer` is invalid and how this is possible to end up with an invalid `VPointer`?

I simply rewrote the whole comment above `VPointer`, to be hopefully more helpful:

// Reminder: MemPointer have the form:                                                                                                  
//   pointer = SUM(summands) + con                                                                                                      
// Where every summand in summands has the form:                                                                                        
//   summand = scale * variable                                                                                                         
// The VPointer wraps a MemPointer for the use in loops. A "valid" VPointer has                                                         
// the form:                                                                                                                            
//   pointer = base + invar + iv_scale * iv + con                                                                                       
//   invar = SUM(invar_summands)                                                                                                        
// Where:
//   - base: is the known base of the MemPointer.
//       on-heap (object base) or off-heap (native base address)                                                                        
//   - iv and iv_scale: i.e. the iv_summand = iv * iv_scale.
//       If we find a summand where the variable is the iv, we set iv_scale to the                                                      
//       corresponding scale. If there is no such summand, then we know that the
//       pointer does not depend on the iv, since otherwise there would have to be                                                      
//       a summand where its variable is main-loop variant.
//   - invar_summands: all other summands except base and iv_summand.
//       All variables must be pre-loop invariant. This is important when we need                                                       
//       to memory align a pointer using the pre-loop limit.                                                                            
// A VPointer can be marked "invalid", if some of these conditions are not met, or                                                      
// it is unknown if they are met. If a VPointer is marked "invalid", it always
// returns conservative answers to aliasing queries, which means that we do not                                                         
// optimize in these cases. For example:
//    - is_adjacent_to_and_before: returning true would allow optimizations such as                                                     
//                                 packing into vectors. So for "invalid" VPointers                                                     
//                                 we always return false (i.e. unknown).
//    - never_overlaps_with: returning true would allow optimizations such as
//                           swapping the order of memops. So for "invalid" VPointers                                                   
//                           we always return false (i.e. unknown).                                                                     
// These are examples where a VPointer becomes "invalid":
//    - If the MemPointer does not have the required form for VPointer,                                                                 
//      i.e. if one of these conditions is not met (see init_is_valid):                                                                 
//      - Base must be known.
//      - All summands except the iv-summand must be pre-loop invariant.
//      - Some restrictions on iv_scale and iv_stride, to avoid overflow in                                                             
//        alignment computations.
//    - If the new con computed in make_with_iv_offset overflows.                                                                       
class VPointer : public ArenaObj {


PR Review Comment: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/21926#discussion_r1916800978

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