RFR: 8154110: Update class* and safepoint* logging subsystems

Marcus Larsson marcus.larsson at oracle.com
Wed Apr 27 08:39:41 UTC 2016


On 04/27/2016 10:32 AM, Ioi Lam wrote:
> On 4/26/16 6:13 PM, David Holmes wrote:
>> On 27/04/2016 10:21 AM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>> The changes look good to me.
>>> I think each line of the "constraints" prints only one item (?). If so,
>>> we should use the singular form. (Max, could you post a sample output
>>> from -Xlog?)
>> The point is that it shows all the constraints.
> We currently have a mix-match of singular/plural forms in the log tags:
> singular:
>   LOG_TAG(alloc)
>   LOG_TAG(region)
> plural:
>   LOG_TAG(defaultmethods)
> Sometimes whether to use an (s) can be a personal preference. However, 
> the poor user would need to try 2^n times to get the right combination 
> of (s) or (no s), and that's too much.

Yeah, we should definitely be consistent with this. I vote for tags in 
singular, since it makes them ever so slightly shorter.


> - Ioi
>> David
>>> Thanks
>>> - Ioi
>>> On 4/26/16 2:05 PM, Max Ockner wrote:
>>>> New webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mockner/8154110.hotspot.02/
>>>> I have responded to these suggestions:
>>>>  - class+loaderdata -> class+loader+data
>>>>  - class+loaderconstraints -> class+loader+constraints
>>>>  - I did not change constraints to constraint. I agree with Coleen's
>>>> reasoning, but please let me know if you think there is a good reason
>>>> to change it.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Max
>>>> On 4/26/2016 4:05 PM, Coleen Phillimore wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Yes, his looks good, but I agree that class, loaderconstraints =>
>>>>> class, loader, constraints
>>>>> and class, loaderdata => class, loader, data
>>>>> But I think constraints should be plural, we're logging the
>>>>> constraint checking (more than one constraint) so plural makes more
>>>>> sense to me.
>>>>> Okay, I think I now prefer the combination of short words to do
>>>>> logging after seeing this change.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Coleen
>>>>> On 4/26/16 3:44 PM, Robbin Ehn wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Max,
>>>>>> I was just looking at these tags and thought maybe they should be
>>>>>> split, nice !
>>>>>> I have request for the ' constraints' tag, can make it singular
>>>>>> (without ending 's') ?
>>>>>> (there are a few other ones in plural which we also should fix)
>>>>>> Otherwise I think this looks good!
>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>> /Robbin
>>>>>> On 04/26/2016 07:42 AM, Max Ockner wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> This change factors the tags from the class and safepoint logging
>>>>>>> subsystems into smaller tags, including "class" and "safepoint"
>>>>>>> tags which are included in tag combination in their respective
>>>>>>> subsystems.
>>>>>>> classresolve -> class+resolve
>>>>>>> classload -> class+load
>>>>>>> classunload -> class+unload
>>>>>>> classpath -> class+path
>>>>>>> classloaderdata -> class+loaderdata
>>>>>>> classload+constraints -> class+loaderconstraints
>>>>>>> classinit -> class+init
>>>>>>> classload+preorder -> class+preorder
>>>>>>> safepointcleanup -> safepoint+cleanup
>>>>>>> class+loaderdata can be further factored into class+load+data. Same
>>>>>>> with class+loaderconstraints.
>>>>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8154110
>>>>>>> webrev(hotspot): 
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mockner/8154110.hotspot/
>>>>>>> webrev(jdk): http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mockner/8154110.jdk/
>>>>>>> Tested with jtreg hotspot tests. jdk tests currently running.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Max

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