jdk9/hs is CLOSED

Jesper Wilhelmsson jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Thu May 12 09:54:19 UTC 2016

Hi Andrew,

Sorry, part of this discussion has taken place on internal lists.

The background/summary is that in order to push jdk9/hs to jdk9/dev we need to 
have a "clean" snapshot of jdk9/hs. Our definition of clean is that it should 
pass through two nights of our nightly testing without any new test failures. 
(Two nights because we run slightly different testing every second night.)

The clean snapshot should then go through PIT - Product Integration Testing - 
(another, bigger test suite) before being pushed to jdk9/dev.

Changes in jdk9/dev are also run through PIT (and I'm actually not sure if this 
is the same tests or a different suite). The last PIT in jdk9/dev before FC is 
started on Friday next week. This date is difficult to change since it affects a 
lot of people. This is the last chance to get any changes into jdk9/jdk9 before 
FC. (And jdk9/jdk9 is where the changes needs to be to count as integrated 
before FC.)

That means that our (jdk9/hs) PIT needs to be done, analyzed and fixed (if any 
problems should be found) before Friday next week. Usually this work takes about 
a week, so we estimated that the last day to start our PIT is on Friday. It 
could be started one or two days later but then some people would have to work 
over the weekend and we would like to avoid that if possible.

Two nightlies before Friday means that the snapshot we took Wednesday night is 
the last one. To be on the safe side we decided to lock down jdk9/hs if there 
would be any remaining issues. This turned out to be a good decision since we 
have two integration blockers left and some new failures showed up in the 
Wednesday nightly.

We will now have to fix these asap and run an adhoc nightly to get the two 
nightlies before Friday.

Now, back to your changes. If you are changing code that is not supported by 
Oracle - i.e. code that we don't test in our internal testing, there should be 
no issues getting this code in to jdk9/hs. However, if you want the code to get 
into jdk9/jdk9 before FC you'd have to push asap. Once we take the snapshot to 
start PIT no more changes from jdk9/hs will make it to jdk9/jdk9 before FC.

I don't know what your options are considering where to push your changes, but 
if you have the option to push directly to jdk9/dev you'd have another week 
before that PIT is started. Unfortunately I don't know who would be in a 
position to decide if you can push there or not. Maybe Lana Steuck knows?

If your changes are in shared code and are considered enhancements it is 
unfortunately too late to get them in to jdk9/hs now. You'd have to get an FC 
exception to push it later. If your changes are high priority I don't think 
getting the exception will be very difficult.

Please note that FC only concerns enhancements and new features. jdk9/hs will 
open again once we have a clean snapshot to push and then we can push bug fixes 
all the way up to ZBB (currently planned to late October) modulo low priority 
(p4-p5) bugs that can not go in after RDP1 (early September).

Sorry for the long answer, but I hope it answered your question.

Den 12/5/16 kl. 11:00, skrev Andrew Haley:
> On 12/05/16 09:53, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:
>> Just a reminder that jdk9/hs is now closed for any pushes not related to fixing
>> integration blockers.
> Can someone please explain that rule to me?  I've been trying
> to follow what's going on but it's not clear to me outside
> Oracle's internal discussions.  I have some AArch64 bug fixes
> already reviewed in my queue.
> Andrew.

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