jdk9/hs is CLOSED

Jesper Wilhelmsson jesper.wilhelmsson at oracle.com
Thu May 12 14:12:51 UTC 2016

Den 12/5/16 kl. 16:10, skrev Andrew Haley:
> On 05/12/2016 03:06 PM, Christian Tornqvist wrote:
>> FC means that no RFE/Features can be pushed without approval from the JDK 9
>> Release Team. The updated schedule was published to the OpenJDK community in
>> December last year by Mark Reinhold.
> You're not helping very much.  Or rather, you're restating what I've
> heard already but I don't know what that means.  Is finishing off the
> compact string intrinsics for AArch64 a RFE/Feature or not?  I don't
> know.  As far as I'm concerned it's a work in progress, which started
> some time ago.

Do you have a JBS ID for this work?

> Andrew.

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