RFR: 8233328: fix minimal VM build on Linux s390x

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Mon Nov 4 11:27:22 UTC 2019

Hello, please  review  the following change that   fixes the "minimal VM"   build  on linuxs390x .

While looking into the issue I noticed that


( in http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mbaesken/webrevs/8233328.1/src/hotspot/cpu/s390/macroAssembler_s390.cpp.frames.html   )

Is ununsed so I removed it (probably it is a left over from  old  jdk8 (?) times ) .


2929 void MacroAssembler::nmethod_UEP(Label& ic_miss) {

2930 #ifdef COMPILER2

2931   Register ic_reg       = as_Register(Matcher::inline_cache_reg_encode());

2932 #else

2933   Register ic_reg       = as_Register(0);

2934 #endif

We probably  still need to replace as_Register(0);   with something better , any suggestions ?

Bug/webrev :



Thanks, Matthias

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