RFR (S): 8230854: Cleanup SuppressWarnings in test lib and remove noisy traces in StreamPumper

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Tue Sep 17 20:00:43 UTC 2019


The specification for the SuppressWarnings type states:

"The presence of unrecognized warning names is /not/ an error: Compilers 
must ignore any warning names they do not recognize. They are, however, 
free to emit a warning if an annotation contains an unrecognized warning 

Note that the JLS does not repeat this requirement of compilers in its 
section on @SuppressWarnings:


I've filed JDK-8231147 for this issue.



On 9/13/2019 1:04 AM, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi David,
>>>> test/lib/jdk/test/lib/process/ProcessTools.java
>>>> -     @SuppressWarnings("overloads")
>>>>          public static Process startProcess(String name,
>>>>                                             ProcessBuilder processBuilder,
>>>>                                             final Predicate<String>
>>>> linePredicate)
>>>> Unnecessary? I can't find what this warning is supposed to mean. Is it used by some IDE's?
>>> I didn't find any reference either and the IDE says that this is an unknown
>> annotation. So unless somebody steps up and tells us what it's good for, I guess it can be removed.
>> Not it is a valid warning. Try compiling with -Xlint:all without the
>> warning suppressed:
>> ----------System.err:(19/1295)----------
>> /scratch/users/daholme/jdk-
>> dev2/open/test/lib/jdk/test/lib/process/ProcessTools.java:91:
>> warning: [overloads]
>> startProcess(String,ProcessBuilder,Consumer<String>) in ProcessTools is
>> potentially ambiguous with
>> startProcess(String,ProcessBuilder,Predicate<String>) in ProcessTools
>>       public static Process startProcess(String name,
>>                             ^
> Thanks for taking a closer look here and enlightening me.
> @SuppressWarnings("overloads") is supported by javac but not by my Eclipse IDE. One can list supported @SuppressWarnings types with javac -X. You'll get:
> overloads            Warn about issues regarding method overloads.
> So I now understand what the warning means and why @SuppressWarnings("overloads") is required here. I've also configured my Eclipse to ignore this unknown annotation.
> New webrev, keeping @SuppressWarnings("overloads"): http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~clanger/webrevs/8230854.1/
> Best regards
> Christoph

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