Integrated: 8296469: Instrument VMError::report with reentrant iteration step for register and stack printing

Axel Boldt-Christmas aboldtch at
Wed May 17 07:11:09 UTC 2023

On Mon, 7 Nov 2022 13:24:26 GMT, Axel Boldt-Christmas <aboldtch at> wrote:

> Add reentrant step logic to VMError::report with an inner loop which enable the logic to recover at every step of the iteration.
> Before this change, if printing one register/stack position crashes then no more registers/stack positions will be printed.
> After this change even if the VM is unstable and some registers print_location crashes the hs_err printing will recover and keep attempting to print the rest of the registers or stack values.
> Enables the following
> ```C++
> REENTRANT_STEP_IF("printing register info", _verbose && _context && _thread && Universe::is_fully_initialized())
>   os::print_register_info_header(st, _context);
>   REENTRANT_LOOP_START(os::print_nth_register_info_max_index())
>     // decode register contents if possible
>     ResourceMark rm(_thread);
>     os::print_nth_register_info(st, REENTRANT_ITERATION_STEP, _context);
>   st->cr();
> Testing: tier 1 and compiled Linux-x64/aarch64, MacOS-x64/aarch64, Windows x64 and cross-compiled Linux-x86/riscv/arm/ppc/s390x (GHA and some local)

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: e34ecc97
Author:    Axel Boldt-Christmas <aboldtch at>
Stats:     694 lines in 19 files changed: 382 ins; 78 del; 234 mod

8296469: Instrument VMError::report with reentrant iteration step for register and stack printing

Reviewed-by: eosterlund, stuefe



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