Nominating Mikael Gerdin to be an OpenJDK committer and a reviewer

Tony Printezis tony.printezis at
Mon Jun 27 12:11:20 UTC 2011

Totally in favor.


On 6/27/2011 3:42 AM, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
> Hi all,
> With the new OpenJDK bylaws almost in place we need to follow the 
> process that they outline to get OpenJDK user names even for the 
> people working at Oracle. Mikael Gerdin does not have an OpenJDK user 
> name yet. He helped me a lot with the CMS bug that I have been working 
> on during the spring and he also reviewed and had good comments on my 
> quicksort implementation. I would very much like to list him as a 
> reviewer when I push this change.
> To grant Mikael reviewer status in OpenJDK we need to first make him a 
> committer (lazy consensus  - no vetoes) and then vote him in as a 
> reviewer (at least three votes in favor and no vetoes).
> Since this is blocking my push, could I please have some votes for 
> making Mikael Gerdin a committer and a reviewer?
> Relevant part of the bylaws:
> Copying Mark on this thread since this is the first time this is done 
> and I would like to know that we are on the right track.
> Thanks,
> Bengt

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