Request for review (XS): 8003822: Deprecate the incremental mode of CMS

Joel Buckley joel.buckley at
Wed Dec 19 20:46:36 UTC 2012

Hey Bengt,

Code review looks simple enough.

One nit on naming consistency:
Should "CMSIncrementalMode" be "UseCMSIncrementalGC"
to be consistent with other flags?

A couple more general questions:

What GC combinations are non-deprecated and what are their
intended use cases?

For example, what GC combinations are intended for the following?:
* 4-100GB Heap (e.g. 64bit);  High Priority: 200ms max pause due to GC; Env: >50% Heap long lived (>12hour)
* 4-100GB Heap (e.g. 64bit);  High Priority: 500ms max pause due to GC; Env: ~40% Heap short lived (<1minute) & ~40% Heap long lived (>12hour)
* 1-3.5GB Heap (e.g. 32bit); High Priority: 200ms max pause due to GC; Env: ~90% Heap short lived (<1minute)
* 100-1024MB Heap (e.g. 32bit/embedded); High Priority: 500ms max pause due to GC; Env: varying short/long lived data profiles over time


Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 13:40:18 +0100
From: Bengt Rutisson <bengt.rutisson at>
Subject: Request for review (XS): 8003822: Deprecate the incremental
	mode	of CMS
To: hotspot-gc-dev at
Message-ID: <50D1B5B2.4010709 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi all,

Can I have a couple of reviews for this change to deprecate iCMS?

This is part of the work for JEP 173:

JEP 173: Retire Some Rarely-Used GC Combinations

The webrev is based on the the earlier webrev that I sent out to 
deprecate the DefNew + CMS and ParNew + SerialOld GC combinations:

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