RFR(M): 8038498: Fix includes and C inlining after 8035330

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
Wed Apr 16 19:04:12 UTC 2014


On Wed, 2014-04-16 at 18:38 +0200, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi Thomas,
> thanks for sponsoring this change.
> I just wonder why the downported change in jdk8u
> (http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8u/hs-dev/hotspot/rev/bfdf528be8e8) is
> attributed to you and not to Goetz? 
> In the jdk9 repositories
> (http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/hs-gc/hotspot/rev/4c16a27793eb) Goetz
> is correctly mentioned as the author.

  that's my fault. When committing the backport a few days later, I
forgot to make Goetz the author (i.e. did not use "hg commit -u goetz",
or did not do a straight import of that patch - I do not remember). I
never intended to claim authorship for the change/commit.

There were no changes in the backport, just a straight re-commit. So
there was no review necessary. From the bugtracker (and this mail
thread) it should be clear (at least now) that this is "only" a
backport, and the reason for this difference human error.

Unfortunately the commit message cannot be changed any more.

Interestingly the push hook did not complain that the author is also
mentioned as reviewer :) (Then again, Stefan K is sufficient to pass).

I will try to be more wary of this next time. I hope this poses no


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