TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off

Kirk Pepperdine kirk at kodewerk.com
Sat Mar 7 09:55:12 UTC 2015

Adaptive sizing and tenuring threshold are different things. Tenuring threshold is calculated before a ParNew is run to ensure survivor spaces are not flooded with surviving data being evacuated from Eden. Only in very special cases would you ever want to tune out this behavior.

Kind regards,
Kirk Pepperdine

On Mar 7, 2015, at 1:21 AM, Jungwoo Ha <jwha at google.com> wrote:

> On CMS when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off, still tenuring_threshold is being changed.
> Is this an intended behavior? 
> (yes. I know it is not "size" related heuristics)
> It would be nice to have a flag that can disable adjusting tenuring threshold,
> or at least set minimum threshold. When the default heuristics doesn't work,
> there are nothing much we can do other than changing the Max.
> --Jungwoo

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