March 2015 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Mar 2 01:28:29 UTC 2015
Ending: Tue Mar 31 23:59:49 UTC 2015
Messages: 447
- nmethodBucket in instanceKlass.hpp atomic counters
David Holmes
- nmethodBucket in instanceKlass.hpp atomic counters
David Holmes
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): 8073466: Remove buffer retaining functionality and clean up in ParGCAllocBuffer
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Thomas Schatzl
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u-hs-dev] Backport RFR: 7176220: 'Full GC' events miss date stamp information occasionally
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Bengt Rutisson
- [8u-hs-dev] Backport RFR: 7176220: 'Full GC' events miss date stamp information occasionally
Andreas Eriksson
- RFR (S): 8073466: Remove buffer retaining functionality and clean up in ParGCAllocBuffer
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR: JDK-8057632 - Remove auxiliary code used to handle the generations array
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR(XS): JDK-8071335 - gc/ throw OOM
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- Request for sponsor - JDK-8031538
Staffan Friberg
- RFR (S): 8073466: Remove buffer retaining functionality and clean up in ParGCAllocBuffer
Kim Barrett
- RFR(XS): JDK-8071335 - gc/ throw OOM
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR(XS): JDK-8071335 - gc/ throw OOM
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8026047: [TESTBUG] add regression test for DisableExplicitGC flag
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: JDK-8057632 - Remove auxiliary code used to handle the generations array
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8073464 - GC workers do not have thread names
David Lindholm
- RFR: 8073464 - GC workers do not have thread names
Bengt Rutisson
- Request for sponsor - JDK-8031538
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR(XS): JDK-8071335 - gc/ throw OOM
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8073464 - GC workers do not have thread names
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR(XS): JDK-8071335 - gc/ throw OOM
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR(XS): JDK-8071335 - gc/ throw OOM
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR(XS): JDK-8071335 - gc/ throw OOM
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR (S): 8073466: Remove buffer retaining functionality and clean up in ParGCAllocBuffer
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8073464 - GC workers do not have thread names
David Lindholm
- RFR: 8073464 - GC workers do not have thread names
David Lindholm
- RFR: 8026047: [TESTBUG] add regression test for DisableExplicitGC flag
Michail Chernov
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Andrey Zakharov
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8074319: barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8074319: barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8074319: barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Andrey Zakharov
- Request for sponsor - JDK-8031538
Staffan Friberg
- RFR: 8074319: barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
Volker Simonis
- RFR: 8074319: barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8057632 - Remove auxiliary code used to handle the generations array
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: JDK-8057632 - Remove auxiliary code used to handle the generations array
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8074319: barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8074319: barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8057632 - Remove auxiliary code used to handle the generations array
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR(XS): JDK-8071335 - gc/ throw OOM
Dmitry Fazunenko
- RFR: 8074319: barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR(XS): JDK-8071335 - gc/ throw OOM
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8074319: barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
Volker Simonis
- RFR: 8026047: [TESTBUG] add regression test for DisableExplicitGC flag
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
David Lindholm
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
David Lindholm
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Erik Österlund
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Kirk Pepperdine
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Vitaly Davidovich
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Erik Österlund
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Erik Helin
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
David Lindholm
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GCworker threads
Bernd Eckenfels
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GCworker threads
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8026047: [TESTBUG] add regression test for DisableExplicitGC flag
Michail Chernov
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Per Liden
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Kirk Pepperdine
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Erik Helin
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
David Lindholm
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Erik Helin
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8073545 - Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8051984: @ignore should be placed after @test
Kim Barrett
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Sangheon Kim
- RFR (XS): 8073654: Marking statistics should use size_t
Sangheon Kim
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Stefan Johansson
- RFR (XS): 8073654: Marking statistics should use size_t
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8030646: Track collection set membership in one place
Erik Helin
- RFR (XS): Wrong volatile qualifier for field ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic::_next_klass
Siebenborn, Axel
- RFR (XS): 8073654: Marking statistics should use size_t
Sangheon Kim
- RFR (XS): 8073654: Marking statistics should use size_t
Derek White
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR (XS): 8073654: Marking statistics should use size_t
Sangheon Kim
- Request for review (s) - 8069004: Kitchensink hanged with 16Gb heap and GC pause >30 min
Jon Masamitsu
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jungwoo Ha
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jon Masamitsu
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jungwoo Ha
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Kirk Pepperdine
- RFR (XS): Wrong volatile qualifier for field ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic::_next_klass
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (XS): Wrong volatile qualifier for field ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic::_next_klass
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR (XS): 8073654: Marking statistics should use size_t
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8030646: Track collection set membership in one place
Erik Helin
- RFR: 8030646: Track collection set membership in one place
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Thomas Schatzl
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8026047: [TESTBUG] add regression test for DisableExplicitGC flag
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (XS): Wrong volatile qualifier for field ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic::_next_klass
Siebenborn, Axel
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- Request for review (s) - 8069004: Kitchensink hanged with 16Gb heap and GC pause >30 min
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR (XS): 8073654: Marking statistics should use size_t
Sangheon Kim
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jon Masamitsu
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jungwoo Ha
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jon Masamitsu
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Kirk Pepperdine
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Tao Mao
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Bengt Rutisson
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jungwoo Ha
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jungwoo Ha
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Jon Masamitsu
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Derek White
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jon Masamitsu
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Jon Masamitsu
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jon Masamitsu
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Thomas Schatzl
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Derek White
- Request for review (XXS) : 8067891 Remove vestigal G1SATBCT barrier set kind
Joseph Provino
- Request for review (XXS) : 8067891 Remove vestigal G1SATBCT barrier set kind
Kim Barrett
- Request for review (XXS) : 8067891 Remove vestigal G1SATBCT barrier set kind
Joseph Provino
- Request for review (XXS) : 8067891 Remove vestigal G1SATBCT barrier set kind
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Thomas Schatzl
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8026047: [TESTBUG] add regression test for DisableExplicitGC flag
Michail Chernov
- RFR: JDK-8072913: [REDO] GCCause should distinguish jcmd from System.gc()
Yasumasa Suenaga
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Eric Caspole
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8026047: [TESTBUG] add regression test for DisableExplicitGC flag
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Andrey Zakharov
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (M): 8074037: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Andrey Zakharov
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: JDK-8072913: [REDO] GCCause should distinguish jcmd from System.gc()
Mikael Gerdin
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Andrey Zakharov
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR(S) - 8073463: G1 does not mangle freed heap regions
David Lindholm
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Andrey Zakharov
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Wessam Hassanein
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- Request for review (XXS) : 8067891 Remove vestigal G1SATBCT barrier set kind
Kim Barrett
- TenuringThreshold being adaptive when UseAdaptiveSizePolicy is off
Jungwoo Ha
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Andrey Zakharov
- RFR(S) - 8073463: G1 does not mangle freed heap regions
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR(S) - 8073463: G1 does not mangle freed heap regions
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8057632 - Remove auxiliary code used to handle the generations array
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: JDK-8057632 - Remove auxiliary code used to handle the generations array
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: JDK-8057632 - Remove auxiliary code used to handle the generations array
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8073669: gc/ times out in nightlies
Andrey Zakharov
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Thomas Schatzl
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- [RFR] 8061715: gc/g1/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: heap decommit failed - after > before
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Bengt Rutisson
- 8075242: Remove SpecializationStats
Stefan Karlsson
- 8075242: Remove SpecializationStats
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8075247: Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
Stefan Karlsson
- 8075242: Remove SpecializationStats
Stefan Karlsson
- 8075242: Remove SpecializationStats
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: 8075247: Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
Mikael Gerdin
- 8075242: Remove SpecializationStats
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075247: Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075249: Cleanup forward_to_atomic and ClaimedForwardPtr
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075249: Cleanup forward_to_atomic and ClaimedForwardPtr
Kim Barrett
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Eric Caspole
- RFR: 8075247: Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8075249: Cleanup forward_to_atomic and ClaimedForwardPtr
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8075247: Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075249: Cleanup forward_to_atomic and ClaimedForwardPtr
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075249: Cleanup forward_to_atomic and ClaimedForwardPtr
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: JDK-8060017: Report heap sizing time
Eric Caspole
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: 8075247: Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8075247: Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075247: Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8075247: Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Erik Helin
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Dmitry Fazunenko
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Jon Masamitsu
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Eric Caspole
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8060017: Report heap sizing time
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8075401: Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
Kim Barrett
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Dmitry Fazunenko
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M): 8027962: Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Erik Helin
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M): 8027962: Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M): 8027962: Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (L): 8058354: SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M): 8027962: Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (M): 8027962: Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8075401: Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8075401: Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8060017: Report heap sizing time
Eric Caspole
- RFR: JDK-8060017: Report heap sizing time
Kim Barrett
- RFR (M) 8075210: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: 8075401: Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
Bengt Rutisson
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR (M): 8027962: Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (M): 8027962: Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
Eric Caspole
- RFR (M): 8027962: Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8060017: Report heap sizing time
Eric Caspole
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Stefan Johansson
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Sangheon Kim
- Request for review (XXS) : 8067891 Remove vestigal G1SATBCT barrier set kind
Thomas Schatzl
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Thomas Schatzl
- webrev: thread id in G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker
Eric Caspole
- OpenJDK process is consuming 3 times memory .
Rahul Kumar Singh
- webrev: thread id in G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker
Mikael Gerdin
- webrev: thread id in G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker
Bengt Rutisson
- OpenJDK process is consuming 3 times memory .
charlie hunt
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: JDK-8060017: Report heap sizing time
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8075635 - Remove GenerationSpec array
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8075635 - Remove GenerationSpec array
Kim Barrett
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8058801: G1TraceReclaimDeadHumongousObjectsAtYoungGC only prints humongous object liveness output when there is at least one candidate humongous object
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8058801: G1TraceReclaimDeadHumongousObjectsAtYoungGC only prints humongous object liveness output when there is at least one candidate humongous object
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8065331: Add JVM trace events for failed allocations
Marcus Larsson
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8058801: G1TraceReclaimDeadHumongousObjectsAtYoungGC only prints humongous object liveness output when there is at least one candidate humongous object
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8058801: G1TraceReclaimDeadHumongousObjectsAtYoungGC only prints humongous object liveness output when there is at least one candidate humongous object
Bengt Rutisson
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8058801: G1TraceReclaimDeadHumongousObjectsAtYoungGC only prints humongous object liveness output when there is at least one candidate humongous object
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: JDK-8060017: Report heap sizing time
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] Request for backport approval: 8055416 Several vm/gc/heap/summary "After GC" events emitted for the same GC ID
Michail Chernov
- RFR: 8075803: Fix GC includes and forward declarations
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075809: Add missing includes of stack.inline.hpp
Stefan Karlsson
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8065358: Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8065358: Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8075803: Fix GC includes and forward declarations
Per Liden
- RFR: 8075809: Add missing includes of stack.inline.hpp
Per Liden
- RFR: 8075803: Fix GC includes and forward declarations
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075809: Add missing includes of stack.inline.hpp
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075635 - Remove GenerationSpec array
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8075829: Move CSpaceCounters implementation to cSpaceCounters.cpp
Stefan Karlsson
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8065358: Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: 8075829: Move CSpaceCounters implementation to cSpaceCounters.cpp
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8075809: Add missing includes of stack.inline.hpp
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR: 8075635 - Remove GenerationSpec array
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8075635 - Remove GenerationSpec array
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8075829: Move CSpaceCounters implementation to cSpaceCounters.cpp
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8075829: Move CSpaceCounters implementation to cSpaceCounters.cpp
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075829: Move CSpaceCounters implementation to cSpaceCounters.cpp
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8075829: Move CSpaceCounters implementation to cSpaceCounters.cpp
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075809: Add missing includes of stack.inline.hpp
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075803: Fix GC includes and forward declarations
Mikael Gerdin
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8065358: Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8065358: Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: Backport JDK-8074037, JDK-8075210, JDK-8027962 and also JDK-8061630, JDK-8051837 to 8u
Bengt Rutisson
- [8u60] Request for backport approval: 8055416 Several vm/gc/heap/summary "After GC" events emitted for the same GC ID
Michail Chernov
- RFR: 8075635 - Remove GenerationSpec array
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: Backport JDK-8074037, JDK-8075210, JDK-8027962 and also JDK-8061630, JDK-8051837 to 8u
Eric Caspole
- [8u60] Request for backport approval: 8055416 Several vm/gc/heap/summary "After GC" events emitted for the same GC ID
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8060025: Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8060025: Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- [8u60] Request for backport approval: 8055416 Several vm/gc/heap/summary "After GC" events emitted for the same GC ID
Michail Chernov
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8060025: Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: 8075957: Reduce calls to the GC specific object visitors in oopDesc
Stefan Karlsson
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8060025: Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8053998: Hot card cache flush chunk size too coarse grained
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8069273: Decrease Hot Card Cache Lock contention
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8067655: Clean up G1 remembered set oop iteration
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8067469: G1 ignores AlwaysPreTouch
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8075635 - Remove GenerationSpec array
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR (L): 8058354: SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR: Backport JDK-8074037, JDK-8075210, JDK-8027962 and also JDK-8061630, JDK-8051837 to 8u
Bengt Rutisson
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8060025: Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536
Mikael Gerdin
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8053998: Hot card cache flush chunk size too coarse grained
Mikael Gerdin
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8069273: Decrease Hot Card Cache Lock contention
Mikael Gerdin
- [8u60] RFR backport of 8067655: Clean up G1 remembered set oop iteration
Mikael Gerdin
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8067469: G1 ignores AlwaysPreTouch
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (L): 8058354: SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8075957: Reduce calls to the GC specific object visitors in oopDesc
Bengt Rutisson
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8067469: G1 ignores AlwaysPreTouch
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8075957: Reduce calls to the GC specific object visitors in oopDesc
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: 8076054 - g1: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8049864: TestParallelHeapSizeFlags fails with unexpected heap size
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: 8075957: Reduce calls to the GC specific object visitors in oopDesc
Per Liden
- RFR: 8075957: Reduce calls to the GC specific object visitors in oopDesc
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8075957: Reduce calls to the GC specific object visitors in oopDesc
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: Backport JDK-8074037, JDK-8075210, JDK-8027962 and also JDK-8061630, JDK-8051837 to 8u
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8076054 - g1: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: Backport JDK-8074037, JDK-8075210, JDK-8027962 and also JDK-8061630, JDK-8051837 to 8u
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: Backport JDK-8074037, JDK-8075210, JDK-8027962 and also JDK-8061630, JDK-8051837 to 8u
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: 8076054 - g1: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: 8076054 - g1: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: 8076054 - g1: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR_ 8076055 - cms: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR_ 8076055 - cms: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR_ 8076055 - cms: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8066875: VirtualSpace does not use large pages
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR_ 8076055 - cms: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR_ 8076055 - cms: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR (S): JDK-8076076: Move SharedHeap::print_size_transition() into G1 code
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): JDK-8076076: Move SharedHeap::print_size_transition() into G1 code
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR (S): JDK-8076076: Move SharedHeap::print_size_transition() into G1 code
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (L): 8058354: SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (L): 8058354: SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR (S): JDK-8076076: Move SharedHeap::print_size_transition() into G1 code
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): JDK-8076076: Move SharedHeap::print_size_transition() into G1 code
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (L): 8058354: SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR (L): 8058354: SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
Jon Masamitsu
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR: JDK-8076071 - parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076071 - parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: JDK-8076072 - parNew: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076071 - parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Mikael Gerdin
- RFR: JDK-8076073 - shared: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076071 - parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: JDK-8076072 - parNew: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Stefan Karlsson
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: JDK-8076071 - parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076072 - parNew: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076071 - parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: JDK-8076072 - parNew: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: JDK-8076072 - parNew: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: JDK-8076071 - parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076071 - parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076071 - parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076072 - parNew: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076072 - parNew: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076073 - shared: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076073 - shared: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR: JDK-8076073 - shared: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- RFR: JDK-8076073 - shared: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: JDK-8076073 - shared: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
David Lindholm
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8075401: Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): JDK-8076225: Move the thread claim parity from SharedHeap to Thread
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8075401: Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8075401: Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
Eric Caspole
- RFR (S): JDK-8076225: Move the thread claim parity from SharedHeap to Thread
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): JDK-8076225: Move the thread claim parity from SharedHeap to Thread
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (XS): JDK-8076237: Remove unused _collector_policy field in SharedHeap
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR(s): 8076231: Remove unused is_in_partial_collection()
Per Liden
- RFR(s): 8076231: Remove unused is_in_partial_collection()
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (XS): JDK-8076237: Remove unused _collector_policy field in SharedHeap
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (XS): JDK-8076237: Remove unused _collector_policy field in SharedHeap
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR (S): JDK-8076241: Remove unused methods mod_card_iterate() and non_clean_card_iterate_serial()
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR(s): 8076231: Remove unused is_in_partial_collection()
Per Liden
- RFR: 8075401: Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
Kim Barrett
- RFR: 8075401: Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
Kim Barrett
- RFR (S): JDK-8076225: Move the thread claim parity from SharedHeap to Thread
Kim Barrett
- RFR (S): JDK-8069004: Kitchensink hanged with 16Gb heap and GC pause >30 min
Derek White
- RFR (S): JDK-8069004: Kitchensink hanged with 16Gb heap and GC pause >30 min
Kim Barrett
- RFR (S): JDK-8076225: Move the thread claim parity from SharedHeap to Thread
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (XS): JDK-8076237: Remove unused _collector_policy field in SharedHeap
Derek White
- RFR(s): 8076231: Remove unused is_in_partial_collection()
Derek White
- RFR (S): JDK-8076225: Move the thread claim parity from SharedHeap to Thread
Kim Barrett
- RFR (S): JDK-8076225: Move the thread claim parity from SharedHeap to Thread
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (XS): JDK-8076237: Remove unused _collector_policy field in SharedHeap
Bengt Rutisson
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8049864: TestParallelHeapSizeFlags fails with unexpected heap size
Kim Barrett
- RFR (S): JDK-8076241: Remove unused methods mod_card_iterate() and non_clean_card_iterate_serial()
Kim Barrett
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR: 8065331: Add JVM trace events for failed allocations
Marcus Larsson
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): JDK-8076225: Move the thread claim parity from SharedHeap to Thread
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR(s): 8076231: Remove unused is_in_partial_collection()
Per Liden
- RFR (S): JDK-8076241: Remove unused methods mod_card_iterate() and non_clean_card_iterate_serial()
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR(xs): JDK-8076173: VirtualSpaceNode container_count() and container_count_slow() have different return types
David Lindholm
- RFR(s): 8076294: Cleanup of CollectedHeap::kind()
Per Liden
- RFR(xs): JDK-8076173: VirtualSpaceNode container_count() and container_count_slow() have different return types
Per Liden
- RFR (S): JDK-8076241: Remove unused methods mod_card_iterate() and non_clean_card_iterate_serial()
Per Liden
- RFR(xs): JDK-8076173: VirtualSpaceNode container_count() and container_count_slow() have different return types
David Lindholm
- RFR(xs): JDK-8076173: VirtualSpaceNode container_count() and container_count_slow() have different return types
Per Liden
- RFR(xs): JDK-8076173: VirtualSpaceNode container_count() and container_count_slow() have different return types
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR (S): JDK-8076241: Remove unused methods mod_card_iterate() and non_clean_card_iterate_serial()
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (XS): JDK-8076237: Remove unused _collector_policy field in SharedHeap
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR(xs): JDK-8076173: VirtualSpaceNode container_count() and container_count_slow() have different return types
David Lindholm
- RFR(xs): JDK-8076173: VirtualSpaceNode container_count() and container_count_slow() have different return types
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR (S): JDK-8076241: Remove unused methods mod_card_iterate() and non_clean_card_iterate_serial()
Stefan Karlsson
- RFR (S): JDK-8076241: Remove unused methods mod_card_iterate() and non_clean_card_iterate_serial()
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (XS): JDK-8076237: Remove unused _collector_policy field in SharedHeap
Bengt Rutisson
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8068036: assert(is_available(index)) failed in G1 cset
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR (S): JDK-8069004: Kitchensink hanged with 16Gb heap and GC pause >30 min
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8049864: TestParallelHeapSizeFlags fails with unexpected heap size
Thomas Schatzl
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8068036: assert(is_available(index)) failed in G1 cset
Bengt Rutisson
- [8u60] RFR of backport for 8068036: assert(is_available(index)) failed in G1 cset
Thomas Schatzl
- RFR: JDK-8076267 - Remove n_gens()
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR (M): JDK-8076314: Remove the static instance variable SharedHeap:: _sh
Bengt Rutisson
- RFR (S): 8073052: Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
Joseph Provino
- RFR: JDK-8076267 - Remove n_gens()
Joseph Provino
- RFR: 8026043: Add regression test for JDK-8000831
Evgeniya Stepanova
- RFR: JDK-8076267 - Remove n_gens()
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR(s): 8076294: Cleanup of CollectedHeap::kind()
Eric Caspole
- RFR: 8026043: Add regression test for JDK-8000831
Mandy Chung
- Request for review (s) : 8017462: G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
Jon Masamitsu
- RFR: JDK-8076267 - Remove n_gens()
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8076267 - Remove n_gens()
Jesper Wilhelmsson
- RFR: 8076265: Simplify deal_with_reference
Kim Barrett
- RFR: JDK-8076267 - Remove n_gens()
Kim Barrett
- RFR (S): JDK-8076241: Remove unused methods mod_card_iterate() and non_clean_card_iterate_serial()
Kim Barrett
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 23:59:49 UTC 2015
Archived on: Tue Oct 18 16:49:44 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).