RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
Mon Mar 9 13:42:20 UTC 2015

Hi Bengt,

On Mon, 2015-03-09 at 14:19 +0100, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
> On 2015-03-09 13:24, Thomas Schatzl wrote:
> > Hi Bengt,
> >
> > On Mon, 2015-03-09 at 12:49 +0100, Bengt Rutisson wrote:
> >> Hi Kim,
> >
> >> Your fix will make sure the marking doesn't crash,
> >> but doesn't this behavior (even prior to your fix) cause other problems?
> > None that I know. The eager reclaim already made sure that there is no
> > other reference from a live object to the reclaimed object on the heap,
> > assuming the remembered sets were correct. So nobody else can
> > dereference the object.
> > There is the mentioned race where mark stacks had some references to
> > these objects left.
> Ok. So, what happens if I modify the example a little bit?
> H = new Object[BIGNUMBER];
> H[4711] = new B();
> A.h = H;
> <G1 initial mark>
> <Marking scans A and pushes H on the mark stack>
> A.h = A.h[4711];
> <G1 young GC>
> <H is reclaimed since no one references it>
> <Marking continues and finds H on the mark stack but skips it>
> Who will discover B and mark it live?

Nobody. This situation cannot occur because we do not reclaim humongous
object arrays.

See https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8048180 for some thoughts
on how this could be done.

We do not want to reclaim humongous regular objects with references
either (CR: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8073288) for the
similar reason, although this is buggy at the moment. See
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8072598 for a proposed fix.

There is no problem with class unloading either in this case (we need to
keep alive the j.l.Class/j.l.Classloader of these objects) because the
j.l.Classloader of large arrays of primitive data lives in the
system/NULL class loader which is always live.

The situation is a bit trickier if you want to remove large humongous
regular objects without references (with e.g. j.l.Class X), but it would
be okay too as far as I can see, because:
- if the j.l.Classloader is reachable by at least one other j.l.Class of
the same j.l.ClassLoader, j.l.Class X will stay alive because the
j.l.ClassLoader  keeps references to all j.l.Class'es it has loaded.
(This is not what the spec says, but it's what a VM needs to do).
- if the j.l.Class referenced by this object that we reclaim has really
been the last j.l.Class of the j.l.Classloader (and neither has been
marked yet), we are free to unload it because it has really ben


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