RFR: 8069367: assert(_nextMarkBitMap->isMarked((HeapWord*) obj)) failed

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at oracle.com
Mon Mar 30 12:42:40 UTC 2015

On Mar 30, 2015, at 5:15 AM, Bengt Rutisson <bengt.rutisson at oracle.com> wrote:
> On 2015-03-30 03:28, Kim Barrett wrote:
>> The cost of the pre-filtering of the mark stack is small, and some of
>> it may be recovered by avoiding the cost of moving the filtered
>> objects through the mark stack, and by doing less work on the filtered
>> objects than would otherwise be needed. Aurora GC performance tests
>> show mostly insignificant differences, with a few small improvements
>> compared to the baseline that has bug 8069367.
> I like this approach. I think it makes sense even without the
> humongous reclamation issues to handle type arrays specially.

I've been waffling over this. I would guess it would be a rare
application that had a sufficiently low typeArray / object ratio that
this would negatively impact performance (by a small amount?), and
common for it to be a net benefit.  But I don't have any data to back
up that guess.  And the effect is dynamic, since it doesn't apply in
the non-push case - I don't think we should add such a check in

>> [While I was at it, I simplified the conditionalization of
>> deal_with_references for _CHECK_BOTH_FINGERS_, eliminating some code
>> duplication.]
> Personally I would prefer to do a small cleanup fix before your change
> to simply remove _CHECK_BOTH_FINGERS_. It has been in the code since
> 2011 (JDK-7046558: G1: concurrent marking optimizations) and as I
> understand it it was mostly added because there was not time to do
> enough performance testing at the time. I doubt that anyone will pick
> up the performance work here, so I'd rather remove the code.

I would be fine with killing off _CHECK_BOTH_FINGERS_.  And looking at
that code again, it seems like it would be worth trying to eliminate
one or both of the _finger or _curr_region NULL checks.

I'll take a look at that.

> A couple of questions about this code in concurrentMark.inline.hpp:
> 300           if (_CHECK_BOTH_FINGERS_ && _finger != NULL && objAddr < _finger) {
> 301             if (obj->is_typeArray()) {
> 302               // Immediately process arrays of binary data, rather
> 303               // than pushing on the mark stack.  This keeps us from
> 304               // adding humongous objects to the mark stack that might
> 305               // be reclaimed before the entry is processed - see
> 306               // G1EagerReclaimHumongousPreSnapshotTypeArrays. The
> 307               // cost of the additional type test is mitigated by
> 308               // avoiding a trip through the mark stack, and by only
> 309               // doing bookkeeping update and avoiding the actual scan
> 310               // of the object - a typeArray contains no references,
> 311               // and the metadata is built-in.
> 312               process_grey_object<false>(obj);
> 313             } else {
> 314               if (_cm->verbose_high()) {
> 315                 gclog_or_tty->print_cr(
> 316                   "[%u] below the local finger (" PTR_FORMAT "), pushing " PTR_FORMAT,
> 317                   _worker_id, p2i(_finger), p2i(objAddr));
> 318               }
> 319               push(obj);
> 320             }
> It looks to me like the logging (lines 314-318) is relevant for type
> arrays too. Can we move it up before line 301? Possibly changing the
> wording from "pushing" to something more generic - maybe simply "obj".

I limited the logging to the "push" branch intentionally.
process_grey_objects similarly logs, and to me it didn't seem useful
to have both in the non-push case and to lose the "pushing"
distinction in that case. I would be more inclined to add an explicit
immediate processing vs pushing distinction in the log output than to
merge away that distinction.  (That distinction is presently implicit
from deal_with_reference logging each object that needs marking,
followed by the process_grey_objects message, the pushing message, or
silence because par_mark lost the race with some other task.)

> I think the comment (lines 302-311) is good but it takes up a lot of
> space inside the deal_with_reference() method. How about breaking
> lines 301-320 out into its own method? (Keeping the logging that I
> mentioned in the previous paragraph inside deal_with_reference().)

I thought about that, but put it aside when I failed to come up with a
decent name for that helper function, and didn't got back to it.  I'll
think about it some more.

> I'm not sure I understand the changes in the g1CollectedHeap.*
> files. In particular the changes to
> RegisterHumongousWithInCSetFastTestClosure:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~kbarrett/8069367/webrev.03/src/share/vm/gc_implementation/g1/g1CollectedHeap.cpp.frames.html
> It looks like the G1EagerReclaimHumongousPreSnapshotTypeArrays flag
> controls if you want to use the previous version (don't reclaim
> objects that may be part of the SATB snapshot) and the new version
> (don't push type arrays on the mark stack). Is this debugging code
> that was left or is your intention that we should have both versions
> in the code?

We've encountered a number of bugs related to the eager reclaim of
humongous objects feature, some of which might end up requiring the
previous behavior.  (When I say "might", I mean I have little
confidence either way right now.) And there might be more we haven't
run into yet. This new flag is intended as a partial mitigation
strategy for those, being weaker than simply turning off one or both
of the other related flags.

It also provides a searchable name to for the coupling between the
this code and the is_typeArray check in deal_with_reference.  But
maybe the comment in the latter is sufficient now?

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