RFR 8080232: Eagerly promote objects in nmethod to reduce scanning in ParNew

Jon Masamitsu jon.masamitsu at oracle.com
Tue Feb 16 23:53:03 UTC 2016


This looks like a good change, but 8080232 describes a different problem.
8080232 proposed early promotion for objects in nmethods.  This change
removes nmethods from a list when it is determined that they don't refer to
scavengable objects.  Can you create a new CR for this?


On 02/15/2016 12:53 PM, Carsten Varming wrote:
> Dear GC members,
> I would like to contribute a fix for JDK-8080232 <http://JDK-8080232>. 
> The bug is marked as resolved because it was withdrawn. The fix is 
> simple, so I would like to reopen the ticket. At Twitter we have seen 
> the time to fix relocations after a ParNew cycle drop by three to four 
> orders of magnitude with this patch.
> I have put a webrev here: 
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~cvarming/prune_scavengable_nmethods/0/webrev/ 
> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ecvarming/prune_scavengable_nmethods/0/webrev/>
> I will need a sponsor.
> Carsten

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