RFR: 8211446: Replace oop_pc_follow_contents with oop_iterate and closure

Leo Korinth leo.korinth at oracle.com
Thu Oct 4 16:27:45 UTC 2018


This is the is the second enhancement in a series of three to remove 
Parallel GC specific behaviour from shared code. I will post all three 
enhancements to the mailing list.

For a description on what is changed see my earlier "RFR: 8201436: 
Replace oop_ps_push_contents with oop_iterate and closure"



- all patches build on linux after the latest rebase.
- mach5 (linux, windows and mac) tier1,tier2,tier3,tier4,tier5 has 
passed with all three patches applied
- aurora tests have been run and seem to indicate no change in general 
on this webrev in the patch series.

Thanks, Leo

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