RFR(S): 8229422: Taskqueue: Outdated selection of weak memory model platforms

Thomas Schatzl thomas.schatzl at oracle.com
Fri Aug 30 08:32:50 UTC 2019


On 26.08.19 15:04, Doerr, Martin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had noticed that the platforms selection which need a fence in taskqueue.inline.hpp should get updated.
> My initial webrev
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mdoerr/8229422_multi-copy-atomic/webrev.00/
> was already reviewed on hotspot-gc-dev. It is an attempt to make things more consistent, especially the property "CPU_MULTI_COPY_ATOMIC".
> Also the compiler constant "support_IRIW_for_not_multiple_copy_atomic_cpu" depends on this property (currently only used on PPC64).
> We could go one step further and move even more #defines into the platform files to give platform maintainers more control.
> I haven't got feedback from arm/aarch64 folks about this addition, yet:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mdoerr/8229422_multi-copy-atomic/webrev.01/
> With this proposal, each platform which is "CPU_MULTI_COPY_ATOMIC" is supposed to define this macro.
> Other platforms must define SUPPORT_IRIW_FOR_NOT_MULTI_COPY_ATOMIC_CPU and IRIW_WITH_RELEASE_VOLATILE_IN_CONSTRUCTOR for fine-grained control of the memory ordering behavior.
> We can even control them dynamically (added an experimental switch for PPC64 as an example).
> Note that neither webrev.00 nor webrev.01 contain any functional changes other than the taskqueue update for s390 (and the experimental switch for PPC64 in webrev.01).
> Feedback is welcome. Also if you have a preference wrt. webrev.00 vs. webrev.01.

   for pushing I would prefer the minimal amount of changes to solve the 
original issue, and move all other changes to a different CR.

Also, I would prefer if all globalDefinitions files contained all 
defines, commented out if needed. I.e. to try to show that not defining 
a particular macro has been deliberate and not an oversight.

(Like in the 00 webrev where the code at least states for aarch64:
37 // aarch64 is not CPU_MULTI_COPY_ATOMIC

I am aware that this is not correct given new information, but in 
context of the CR it is/was)

Further, let's avoid "TODOs" in the sources, the correct place for those 
is JIRA imho. :)


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