RFR(S): 8229422: Taskqueue: Outdated selection of weak memory model platforms

Doerr, Martin martin.doerr at sap.com
Mon Aug 26 13:04:27 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I had noticed that the platforms selection which need a fence in taskqueue.inline.hpp should get updated.

My initial webrev
was already reviewed on hotspot-gc-dev. It is an attempt to make things more consistent, especially the property "CPU_MULTI_COPY_ATOMIC".
Also the compiler constant "support_IRIW_for_not_multiple_copy_atomic_cpu" depends on this property (currently only used on PPC64).

We could go one step further and move even more #defines into the platform files to give platform maintainers more control.
I haven't got feedback from arm/aarch64 folks about this addition, yet:
With this proposal, each platform which is "CPU_MULTI_COPY_ATOMIC" is supposed to define this macro.
Other platforms must define SUPPORT_IRIW_FOR_NOT_MULTI_COPY_ATOMIC_CPU and IRIW_WITH_RELEASE_VOLATILE_IN_CONSTRUCTOR for fine-grained control of the memory ordering behavior.
We can even control them dynamically (added an experimental switch for PPC64 as an example).

Note that neither webrev.00 nor webrev.01 contain any functional changes other than the taskqueue update for s390 (and the experimental switch for PPC64 in webrev.01).

Feedback is welcome. Also if you have a preference wrt. webrev.00 vs. webrev.01.

Best regards,

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