Integrated: 8261918: two runtime/cds/appcds/VerifierTest failed with "Unable to use shared archive"

Calvin Cheung ccheung at
Wed Mar 10 17:22:08 UTC 2021

On Tue, 9 Mar 2021 23:27:42 GMT, Calvin Cheung <ccheung at> wrote:

> In the VerifierTest_*.java, we only dump the static archive once. When the -Xverify setting has changed for the dynamic archive, the static archive cannot be used due to different -Xverify settings in the following check in filemap.cpp:
>   if (_has_platform_or_app_classes && 
>       ((!_verify_local && BytecodeVerificationLocal) || 
>        (!_verify_remote && BytecodeVerificationRemote))) { 
>     FileMapInfo::fail_continue("The shared archive file was created with less restrictive " 
>                   "verification setting than the current setting."); 
>     return false; 
>   } 
> The changes in is to look for the -Xverify options in the input opts.suffix. If there exists -Xverify options and "DYNAMIC_DUMP", it will dump the static archive again using the new -Xverify option(s). 
> This change also separates the above condition into 2; the `_has_platform_or_app_classes` should only be tied to `BytecodeVerificationRemote`.
> Passed mach5 tiers 1 - 4 tests.
> Thanks,
> Calvin

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: 9399e1b7
Author:    Calvin Cheung <ccheung at>
Stats:     53 lines in 3 files changed: 35 ins; 0 del; 18 mod

8261918: two runtime/cds/appcds/VerifierTest failed with "Unable to use shared archive"

Reviewed-by: iklam, minqi



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