RFR: 8266404: Fatal error report generated with -XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError should not contain suggestion to submit a bug report [v2]

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon May 17 02:17:32 UTC 2021

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for looking at this.

On 14/05/2021 8:18 pm, Kevin Walls wrote:
> On Thu, 13 May 2021 08:06:24 GMT, David Holmes <dholmes at openjdk.org> wrote:
>>> A simple fix to add a new VMErrorType (OOM_JAVA_HEAP_FATAL) to indicate we've requested a Java OOM error to be fatal. A new overload of report_fatal is provided to allow this to be passed through.
>>> VMError has an existing notion of "should_report_bug" but that encompasses more than just printing the bug submission URL, so I added a new specific check for that.
>>> Checked hs_err files before and after with the fix, from the CrashOnOutOfMemoryError test.
>>> Tested tiers 1-3 for good measure.
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
>> David Holmes has updated the pull request incrementally with one additional commit since the last revision:
>>    Review comments from Thomas
> Marked as reviewed by kevinw (Committer).
> Hi David, looks good.
> I get it now I've found that should_report_bug() really means "is vm internal error".  Literally, "is this NOT a native memory allocation failure".
> If you had time to rename should_report_bug() "is_internal_error" or similar, I think that would make vmError.cpp significantly more readable.  (It's not a problem in the function you're adding, it's the old should_report_bug that seems misnamed, and more so now it has a similar related function.)

I couldn't determine exactly what "should_report_error" was really 
trying to distinguish, beyond the obvious case of "report the bug submit 
URL". As Thomas notes there is potential for more rework in this area, 
but I don't want to increase the scope of the current change.


> -------------
> PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/4006

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